
Meals~Dec. 14-20~Meal Prep

As the holidays grow closer, I am especially grateful for my menu plan. Our dinner time last week went well, after participating in Once A Month Freezer Cooking, and discovering just how great it is to have some meals prepared and ready to cook, I decided to try and do some or all of my meal prep for each week, in one day. This past week while the Jam Cake was baking, I put Honey Hoisin Chicken in the crockpot (it was great!) and cut up the other chicken breasts, one for Fajitas and one I marinated with Soy Sauce, then placed them in freezer bags. I cooked sausage and 3 pounds of hamburger, using one pound in Spaghetti Sauce (I put that in the frig for the following night), one pound was prepared for Taco Bake and the last pound I put in a bag for future use.

So, in a matter of about 90 minutes here is what I had…

  • dinner in the crockpot, added rice at meal time, 10 minutes ready
  • Spaghetti Sauce cooked and ready, the following night I put it in the crockpot at about 2:30 p.m. on low, boiled noodles, 15 minutes ready, enough leftover for Mostacolli this week
  • Taco Bake hamburger cooked and in freezer, used it on Sun night, 10 minutes ready and in the oven
  • Chicken cut for Fajitas
  • Chicken cut and marinated in Soy Sauce
  • Hamburger cooked for Mostacolli for this week
  • Sausage cooked for Bubble Pizza, 15 minutes ready for oven
  • And of course, 7 mini loaves of Jam Cake baked and ready to enjoy

Here is what ‘s on the menu for this week

Monday:  Mostacolli, Parmesan Knots and Salad (using leftover Spaghetti Sauce from last week)


Tuesday:  Chicken N’ Noodles, Mashed Potatoes

Chicken N' Noodles

Wednesday:  Breakfast

Breakfast Taco Mix

Thursday:  Tuna Casserole

Tuna Casserole.5

Friday:  Chicken Fajitas, Spanish Rice

Chicken Beef Fajitas.2

Saturday:  Oriental Noodles and Egg Rolls

Egg Rolls.12

Sunday:  Chili, Cornbread


Be sure to visit my Cookie Exchange, link up your recipe or just visit some of the others. And don’t forget about  Cupcake Tuesday, I’ll be sharing another fun Christmas Cupcake.

For more great menu plans, please visit:

~I’m An Organizing Junkie

~Chive Talkin’


  1. we have chilli planned for this week as well thanks for all the great recipes
    .-= angie´s last blog ..Meals this week =-.

  2. what a great week! The parm knots are on a few menus this week — maybe I’ll jump in too and have them instead of garlic bread 🙂
    .-= SnoWhite´s last blog ..Cheesy Broccoli Potato Soup =-.

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