
Chicken N’ Noodles

Today, I am sharing with you my Chicken N’ Noodle recipe. We usually have this meal at least twice a month, it’s easy to prepare, all of the family likes it, even my picky eater son, and it makes tons, which is great for leftovers. I have even froze the leftovers before.

I start by boiling a whole chicken, this week I happened to have some chicken breasts in the freezer that I had bought on sale.


I usually let the chicken boil a few hours on the stovetop. Sometimes I bake it in the oven or throw it in the Crockpot, but I think the best flavor comes from when I boil it.

After it’s done, I remove the chicken, and strain the broth. I usually have to add some water, then I boil the noodles. I use 2 bags of noodles.

After the noodles are done, I drain them saving the broth. I combine the noodles and chicken (that I pull from the bone, or make my husband do it :)) with 2 cans of cream of chicken soup, 1 can of milk and enough broth to moisten the mixture. As you reheat, you may need to add more broth. Sometimes, if we are going to be gone, I throw the mixture in the Crockpot on low to stay warm.


Chicken $5.10

Noodles $1.98 (2 bags)

Soup $.98 (2 cans)

Milk, seasonings, onions $1.00 (max)

Total $9.06  (this was enough for 2 meals plus lots of leftovers)

I’m updating this post to include it with the Make-Ahead Meals Chicken Linky.

If you are visiting for the first time, Welcome! Take a minute to look around, my blog has changed quite a bit since I wrote this post 🙂


  1. Margaret Lytle says:

    I can hardly believe many “Hoosier Noodle Recipes” call for store bought noodles. I watched my mother over the years making her noodles, and I followed the same method she used. For generations, we served the noodles over mashed potatoes, and they were so good leftover. My mother was born in 1906 and I was born in 1933. I do not remember a family dinner with my Mom’s siblings that we didnot have Hoosier Noodles.

  2. Hey Liz!
    I’ve never thought of adding the milk and soup before. Now I have GOT to try it this way!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. are you boiling the noodles in the broth that the chicken came out of? it doesn’t get starchy for anything else? and you serve mashed potatoes as the vergetables part of the meal?

  4. Do you save the broth for something else after you are done cooking the noodles? And do the veggies get incorporated into the dish, or are they just to flavor the broth?

    1. I usually freeze the stock for another dish, and I don’t use the veggies, they are just for flavor.

  5. Could you tell me more about cooking the chicken. Mine always seems to get tough if I cook it longer? What ingredients do you use when boiling the chicken? I hate to debone the chicken I might just use chicken breast. I am wanting to make it this weekend per a friends request.

    1. @Sls, Sure, I boil a whole chicken with a cut onion, a couple stalks of celery and a couple carrots, all chopped, a handful of spices, like parsley, salt & pepper. And about 5-6 chicken boullion cubes, if I have them. Bring to a boil, them simmer for a couple hrs. You could use chicken breast but the bones in the chicken gives all the flavor, I hate to de-bone also, I usually have my husband do it. Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.
      Thanks for stopping by!

        1. I typically put in enough water so there are a couple inches above the chicken. You may need to add more water if it reduces during the cooking process.

  6. Love chicken & noodles!! This sounds really easy too. And $9 for two meals is not bad!! 🙂

  7. Hey Liz!!!

    Sound super easy and something my kids would LOVE!!! Thanks for sharting it for Five Ingredient Fridays!!!!

    ~Nicole @ Paiges’ Place

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