Freezer Cooking Day Plan


With the busiest month upon us, what better way to get ahead a little, than to prep and freeze some meals. And since I have my meals all planned for this month, it will be a little easier.

On Tuesday, Twitter will be all a buzz using hashtag #oamc, Once A Month Cooking. FishMama and Money Saving Mom are hosting this great event. I have a bit of a plan this time around. Last time there was a Baking Day, I didn’t really have much of a plan. But as the days grow closer to the Christmas Holiday, my list gets longer and longer. (just ask my husband 🙂 )

Here is what I plan on tackling…

  1. Make Turkey Stock   got 24 muffin cups full of stock to flash freeze
  2. Mix and freeze 2 batches of meatballs
  3. Mix and freeze Meatloaf
  4. Slice and marinate Chicken for Stir-Fry  Chicken is much easier to cut when it is partially frozen
  5. Bake cookies for 12 Days of Cookies series  (baked 2 batches)
  6. Mix Taco Seasoning, Onion Soup Mix for Meatloaf and Baking Mix
  7. Prepare Pancake Mix
  8. Make 2 Turkey Pot Pies, 1 for dinner and 1 to freeze
  9. Mix Sugar Cookies for Drop In & Decorate on Sunday
  10. Dice remaining turkey and put in freeze (Turkey all gone 🙁 )
  11. Chop cranberries for bread (bought 5 bags at Aldi’s for .39 each)
  12. Chop nuts for baking


  1. Wow, you’ve crossed a lot off of your list, I’m impressed! I’ve just found your blog – it’s fabulous! I can’t wait to get inspired.

    I cook about once a month now but variety, not volume. We’re just a two person family and only one of us eats meat so I spend a lot of time adapting recipes for myself.

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    .-= Connie´s last blog ..Sandra Lee – Semi-Homemade Mocktail Drink Recipe to Celebrate the New Year =-.

  2. You are one motivated lady! Thanks for reminding me to freeze some meals to make those really busy days a little easier!

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