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My Love List: Week 4

Get to know me better – what’s new on the blog this week and more in this week’s love list.

From great reads to fun new gadgets - I'm sharing My Love List each week!

I hope your week has been great! I can hardly believe we are on week 4 already. I thought today I’d share a little about myself, kind of a “I bet you didn’t know” post for you to get to know me a little better.


  1. I was born and raised in Northwest Indiana, and still live in the same town that I grew up.
  2. I am the youngest child. I have all step brothers and sisters – 11 of them in fact.
  3. My Mom was a florist for most of my young life. My Dad was a home painting decorator. They both loved their garden and their family.
  4. I coached gymnastics – all ages from pre-school through high school – for 25 years.
  5. I was a gymnast myself all through school.
  6. I played the organ when I was in grade school.
  7. I am a Mom to 3 boys (24, 22 and 18). And I’ve been married for 27 years.
  8. I love everything about homemaking – baking, cooking, decorating, crafts, and yes – even cleaning the toilets.
  9. I also love photography, gardening, flowers, coloring, the beach and reading.
  10. I’m happiest when I am with my boys, especially baking for them.

love list - week 4

This post from Boho Berry about Level 10 Life really has me thinking this week. Last June, after reading The Miracle Morning, I created my “Wheel of Life” Assessment from the book.

While I do feel like I have made progress, 8 months later, honestly I don’t think I am where I should be, and certainly not where I want to be. I have also been dabbling a bit with bullet journaling, so I’m going to give it a try and map out some more specific goals. I will keep up updated.

If you are interested in following along, or perhaps struggle with planning things like life goals, household chores, time for yourself, etc. I’d love to hear from you.

I have been tossing around the idea of starting a new Instagram account or Facebook group to document my journey.

How to make a bullet journal


We are gearing up for Valentine’s Day and have had a great week here on Hoosier Homemade. Here is the line-up in case you missed anything…


And over on Pocket Change Gourmet, we shared…


Update on the Bathroom – while looking for towels last week, I discovered a set that included a shower curtains and rugs. So I decided to go with that set instead of either of the shower curtains I showed you last week.

Update on the Office – I found a way to update an old chandelier, like the one we spotted at the Restore, so watch for that to come. And I decided on a pink and gray color pallet. I still haven’t found a chair yet, although I haven’t looked much either.


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