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Garden Calendar for April

Yeah Spring is here! We all get to let our inner child out and get outside and get dirty! This Garden Calendar for April includes a lot of clean up in the landscape and garden so get busy and be a kid again.

Spring has got to be my favorite time of year and I know it is for a lot of other people. The smell of freshly turned soil and newly cut grass brings a rush to my body. And getting your lawn off to a good start can be the difference in whether you can have a relaxing summer or be in constant battle with weed and insect invaders.

GARDEN CALENDAR - Tips for your Lawn, Landscape and Garden

One of the struggles we have heard from many of our readers, is that they aren’t sure what time of year is best to complete their gardening tasks. We have put together a 12 month calendar for you that outlines every tasks, as a homeowner, you can do to make your lawn, landscape and garden thrive!

Click here to read all about the Yearly Garden Calendar! 


  • Aerate the lawn
  • Apply fertilizer with pre-emergent control for crabgrass when Forsythia blooms or the first dandelion blooms

How to apply mulch


  • Apply dormant oil to shrubs and trees early in the month
  • Plant bare root trees, shrubs and roses
  • Fertilize trees, shrubs and evergreens if it didn’t get done in March
  • Fertilize Spring blooming bulbs
  • Plant Summer and Fall Flowering bulbs
  • Sort your stored tubers, roots and bulbs and dipose of any that have shriveled or decayed
  • Prune any trees, shrubs and fruit trees that didn’t get done in March
  • Apply a slow-release fertilizer to roses
  • Prune roses that didn’t get done in March
  • Finish any perennial cleanup and removal of winter mulch
  • Plant cool season and hardy annuals like pansies, petunias and geraniums
  • Divide Perennials
  • Apply Aluminum Sulphate to blue Hydrangeas
  • Mulch your beds (2-3 inches thick)
  • Plant annuals after the last frost date in your area
  • Cut back the dead top growth of perennials and perennial grasses
  • Transplant shrubs and trees

GARDEN CALENDAR - Tips for your Lawn, Landscape and Garden

Our weather is finally warming up a bit. We were able to bring the seedlings out for fresh air over the weekend!


  • Plant lettuce, radishes and other cool season crops like peas
  • Harden off seedlings in the cold frame
  • Transplant annual, perennial or vegetable seedlings after the last frost date
  • It’s not too late to test your soil

Click on the button to get all the details!

GARDEN CALENDAR 2017 | Printable Yearly Garden Calendar with tasks for each month | Learn when and how to take care of your lawn + landscape

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