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How to plant Spring Flowering Bulbs

Planting bulbs is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to add color to your homes’ landscape. It’s not too late to plant those tulip and daffodil bulbs that you’ve been putting off getting in the ground. In a few easy steps you’ll be enjoying your efforts in the spring.

Fall planting will bring gorgeous flowering Spring bulbs! Learn how easy and inexpensive it is to make your landscape gorgeous in a few steps!

Planting Spring flowering bulbs in the Fall can be done up until the ground freezes, as a matter of fact you really don’t want to plant your bulbs too early in the fall. The ideal time to plant is from the end of September thru November. You can buy your bulbs early and store them in a cool dry place out of sunlight until you are ready to put them in the ground. I’ve even planted them when there has been a couple of inches of snow on the ground.

Doug put together a video to show you just how easy it is…

So here’s a recap of what you need to do…

  • Prepare your soil by tilling up with a spade, add a multi-purpose fertilizer such as 12-12-12 at this time if your soil is lacking nutrients. You can add some bone meal to the bottom of the hole to give an extra boost in the Spring.

  • Cover the bulbs with soil and pat down until firm

How to plant Spring Flowering Bulbs

That’s all it takes to add some color to your Spring landscape! Have you planted Spring bulbs? Which are your favorites?


  1. Great article. I am going to plant a tulip bulbs in my garden But I have no ideas how to start. But after reading your tips, definitely I will success about plant a flower bulbs in my garden myself.

  2. My black eyed suzen plants get black spots on them I love them but don’t know how to stop it

    1. Hi Bertha, those spots are caused from moisture and lack of air movement around the plant. There are several options depending on where you live. If you are watering a lot, cut back on that. You can divide and transplant the plants and also be sure that the plants around them are not thick. You can also go to the garden center and get a spray for the spots.
      Hope that helps!

  3. Thank´s for the lesson 🙂 nice post….
    and do not miss……




    it is FUN 🙂
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  4. Thanks for the reminder! I love springtime here in Colorado when everyones tulips start popping up! I’m new to this, so I better get planting!

  5. Great tips! My problem is that I always forget which bulbs I’ve planted where when springtime rolls around, so I have to be careful about planting annuals. Beautiful photo of those tulips! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi , I put a name tag by each bulb. Enjoy

      1. Madeline from HoosierHomemade says:

        Great idea!

  6. Thanks for the tips! I love spring bulbs, mine were planted awhile ago. Since we just moved into our house the yard didn’t have anything. I am so excited to see them in the spring!

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