24 Cut Flowers to Grow

Growing your own flowering plants in your garden is one of the most rewarding aspects of having a garden. It doesn’t take much space and with a few key plants you can have all you need for the perfect bouquet all year long. These 24 cut flowers to grow will get you started.
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Some commonly grown plants in our yards are great for using in flower arraignments, as a matter of fact, you probably already have a few growing in your yard, like daffodils and coral bells (Heuchera spp.). Some plants are more desired for their foliage than their actual flowers like certain Phlox species (‘Nora Leigh’) and any of the dazzling Heuchera species.
You can also take advantage of all of the areas of your landscape from the full sun areas, by adding sun-loving flowers like peonies and Cosmos species. To those tricky shady spots where Astilbe species and Marshallia species will add touches of color to the landscape as an added bonus.
Here’s our list of 24 Cut Flowers to Grow
1. Ageratum – lovely blue pom like flowers
2. Allium – there are dozens of varieties to choose from ranging from smaller varieties that have delicate heads to those that grow three feet tall and have flower heads the size of volleyballs!
3. Asters – thrives in areas with cool, moist summers, producing blue, white, or pink flowers in the late summer or fall. Plant height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on variety.
4. Astilbe – produces an attractive mound of glossy, fern-like foliage topped with delicate plumes of colorful flowers.
5. Astrantia – also known as masterwort, that is both beautiful and unusual. This shade-loving perennial is not common to most gardens, but it should be.
6. Campanula – Bellflowers will bloom heaviest in June and July. Produce beautiful blue bell-shaped flowers all the way into October in some areas.
7. Celosia – also called woolflowers or cockscombs, have unusual flowers that can bloom up to 10 weeks. These flowers can have red, pink, purple, gold or bicolored blooms.
8. Cosmos – daisy-like flowers and easy to care for in the garden.
9. Dahlia – includes varieties with blooms the size of teacups all the way up to large enough to cover a dinner plate. Long lasting in your arraignments.
10. Dill – an herb with feathery fronds and seed heads that adds a delicate touch to your arraignments.
11. Echinacea – Coneflower – easy to grow, blooms heavily from summer to fall. Butterflies love the flowers, birds love the seeds, and we love how long they last in bouquets.
12. Eucomis – Pineapple Lilly, grows easy in full sun. Very exotic looking, adds a touch of flair in late summer to early autumn.
13. Euphorbia – Also known as Spurges used more for their foliage than the actual flowers. Many different forms to choose from.
14. Heuchera – Coral Bells. Love using the foliage and the flowers in bouquets!
15. Hypericum inodorum – a shrub with showy flowers in summer and the seed pods add color and interest to fall bouquets. Grows well in full sun and part shade.
16. Hydrangea – prolific bloomers, can be added to large bouquets or be used all by themselves. Certain varieties can also be dried.
17. Kniphofia – Torch Lily – there are so may varieties that you can choose bloom times from May through October. Must be grown in full sun and well drained soils.
18. Larkspur – produces spikes of blue, purple, pink, or white flowers in spring and summer. Plant once and allow the flower heads to scatter their seed, and you’ll have a steady supply of larkspur in your garden. All you’ll need to do is pull out the ones you don’t want.
19. Lilies – perennial bulbs best grown in full sun. Many consider them to be the best cut flowers with endless choices available. From Spring blooming Lily-of-the-Valley, to Asiatic varieties that are the first to bloom in early Summer. There are dozens to fill your garden.
20. Marshallia – a very unique and hard to find native plant but well worth the search. Delicate and unusual pink flowers.
21. Peonies – a late Spring standard. Considered one of the all time favorites with large frilly blooms.
22. Phlox – small flowers that add dots of color to bouquets, look for varieties with interesting foliage as an added bonus.
23. Poppies – perfect for adding a pop of orange and double form varieties mimic peonies in July.
24. Zinnias – so many choices, a cut flower that lasts a long time in your vase.
I have a flower that I don’t know whaat it is. Believe it is some type of lily can you help me if I send a picture?
Sure Donna I love researching flowers, I’ll give my best shot!