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September Menu Plan


Menu planning has been a key to saving money for me. It’s much easier to grocery shop (going one or even two times per week saves money), schedule my day, get work done at home and most importantly, if I know what we are having, it eliminates (for the most part) the last minute going thru the drive-thru. We still have the occasional super busy day and end up going out, but since I have been menu planning, we have cut back on eating out considerably. Now that Summer is ending (sniff,sniff) and Fall is on the way, I will start planning more hearty meals, but still keep some of the favorites from the Summer menu plan.

I like planning my meals for the month. I find it easier to sit down one time with a calendar and figure out the whole month. It takes a little longer, but after you have several months done, you can just repeat.

Recently, Toni over at The Happy Housewife has been sharing her Meal Planning 101 series. The first assignment was to come up with 15 meals, the second was to add 5 meals and then sides. It was fun to visit the other bloggers and get some ideas. Once you have your list of your families favorite meals, it’s easy to just plug them into the calendar. I usually have a crockpot meal or a quick and easy meal on game nights. And I also plan one night for Mexican and one night for Italian.

September Menu Plan

~August 31 ~ Mostacolli, Salad and Garlic Bread

~ 1 ~ Baked Omelet, Fruit, Smoothies

~ 2 ~ Chicken Bow Tie Stir Fry

~ 3 ~ Tuna Casserole

~ 4 ~ Pizza Turnovers

~ 5 ~ Whole Chicken, Oven Fries, Sweet Corn

~ 6 ~ Chicken N’ Noodles, Mashed Potatoes

~ 7 ~ Labor Day Cook-Out

~ 8 ~ Loaded Tostadas

~ 9 ~ Fettucini Alfredo, Salad, Garlic Bread

~10 ~ Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese

~11 ~ Beef & Chicken Fajitas, Spanish Rice

~12 ~ Homemade Pizza

~13 ~ Taco Soup

~14 ~ Sloppy Joes, Oven Fries

~15 ~ Chicken Legs, Chicken Rice, Veggie

~16 ~ Oriental Noodles & Egg Rolls

~17 ~ Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Veggie

~18 ~ Chicken Wings, Taco Dip

~19 ~ Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoe, Gravy

~20 ~ Roast, Potatoes, Carrots, Corn

~21 ~ Breakfast Tacos, Fruit, Muffins

~22 ~Mini Baked Corn Dogs, Oven Fries

~23 ~ Taco Bake

~24 ~ Baked Potatoe Bar, Sausage Cheese Balls

~25 ~ Chicken Quesadillas, Rice

~26 ~ Pizza Braid

~27 ~ Lasagne, Salad, Garlic Bread

~28 ~ Soup & Sandwich

~29 ~ BBQ Meatloaf , Green Beans, Homemade Bread

~30 ~ Spaghetti and Meatballs

Breakfast Options:

~Blueberry Muffins

~Zucchini Muffins

~Zucchini Bread

~Strawberry/Banana Smoothies

~Banana Cream Pie Smoothies



  1. Liz – You amaze me with the month long planning! Not sure I am up for that, but you never know! 😀 I appreciate the inspiration. Thanks so much for joining in the chivetalkin menu plan blog roll. I love having you!

  2. Your menu looks great to. I already found some new meals. I am so glad you jumped on board.

  3. I am very impressed! I hope to see you at Crock Pot Wednesday on diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com.

  4. Mmmm, great menu plan! Do you play along on Menu Plan Monday?

  5. This looks wonderful! I plan weekly, but I can see many benefits to monthly planning!!
    I look forward to finding many great recipes on your site!!

    Many blessings!

  6. Wow, I really admire that you were able to plan a whole month at once! I struggle to just plan a week at a time.

  7. Wow, love your meal plan! So organized and such yummy choices. I think I might be eating at your house this month! Looks like you have a Mexican theme going on!

  8. Well, besides me coming over for dinner tonight… lol. 😉
    Your menu looks great and I like the fact its very diversified. I always get stuck with the same ole’ meals. And am definitely trying to search out new ones. Thanks for some ideas.

  9. Hi, I also found your website from Organizing Junkie. I was wondering, do you do all your cooking in one day or do you cook the meal that night?
    Thanks in advance,

  10. Hi,

    I followed your link from Organizing Junkie, I’m still in the ‘observing how this thing works stage’ with Menu Planning…. But my goodness, the stuff you guys eat is the stuff WE eat!! Ok… I have to do this… I just have to sit down & menu plan…. School starts on next Tuesday & I don’t want to be bonky for the year… (worse than normal that is)…. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can……


    1. You can most definately do this, it’s not as hard as it seems, just put your list together and pull from that.
      Thanks for visiting! ~Liz

  11. What a fabulous menu! We love some of the same things, but hubby likes to have some input in the menu and one week is about as far out as he plans. Most of the time I only get input from him the first few days of the menu!

    I will be bookmarking a few of those recipes, some we already make but have forgotten about.

  12. Your menu sounds delicious! That picture has me salivating! LOL Thanks for all the links! I will definitely be checking them out.

    Mrs. H

  13. That Pizza Braid recipe looks so clever. I’m going to have to put that in my next menu plan. Yum!

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