
Meals ~ August 24 – 30

Our school year started last week, with that brings a more scheduled day, which frankly, makes me very happy. During the summer months, we are super busy, and don’t really have a plan, usually, for the day. Things pop up all day,” run me here Mom”, “can such-and-such come over Mom”, “we need to do this Mom”. I enjoy getting my house under control once school starts and even though we are still super busy, it’s more scheduled. I’m hoping to have time this week to make a new page on my blog for Aldi’s meals. I do 90% of my grocery shopping at Aldi’s and shop the sales at Kroger.

Our football season has started, with 3 games this week, 2 of them are home, so that makes it a little easier. I will start planning my meals so that we have some crockpot meals ready for game days.

Monday ~ Breakfast Tacos – recipe from $5 Dinners

Bfast Tacos

Tuesday ~ Loaded Tostadas – recipe from The Finer Thing in Life

Wednesday ~Oriental Noodle Stir-Fry – recipe from Saving Everyday

Oriental Chicken & Noodles

Thursday ~ Goolash – Elbow macaroni with Spaghetti Sauce sprinkled with mozzarella cheese

Friday ~ Sloppy Joes and Fries

Saturday ~  Appetizers – Sausage Cheese Balls, Chicken Wings, Veggies and Dip

Chicken Wings

Sunday ~ Grill Out – Hamburgers, Potato Salad, Deviled Eggs and Corn on the Cob


Now that school is back in, I thought it would be good to have some quick breakfasts planned. I had a baking day on Saturday, which I will tell you more about later in the week.  The boys all start school at the same time this year, making us leave the house around 7 a.m.  I wanted some food that they could just grab and go. Here’s what I came up with…

Blueberry Muffins ~ Zucchini Muffins (yep, still using that zucchini) ~ Breakfast Cookies ~ Strawberry/Banana Smoothies ~ Zucchini Bread

If you haven’t had the opportunity, be sure to visit The Happy Housewife, she has started a Meal Planning Series. Many bloggers linked up last week with her first challenge, a list of 15 meals. I plan on getting lots of ideas from them when I make my September Meal Plan.

And don’t forget about all the great meal plans at I’m an Organizing Junkie.

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