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June Menu Plan

Since the boys will be out of school this week, I’ve decided to change up my meal plan just a bit to include all 3 meals. I thought it might make things a little easier if I have breakfast and lunch ideas posted for the boys, then they can just choose what they want and fix it.

Week of June 1st – 7th

Monday ~ Ham & Cheese Crescents ~ Recipe and picture from Pillsbury


Tuesday ~ Mostacolli, Salad and Garlic Bread

Wednesday ~ Baked Potato Bar

Thursday ~ Crockpot Mac & Cheese ~ Recipe and link from  The Grocery Cart Challenge

Friday ~ Quesadillas, Chips and Salsa

Saturday ~ Shanghai Wings, Noodles

Sunday ~ Grill Out – Hamburgers, Potato Salad and Corn


Breakfast Ideas for the Month

Breakfast Tacos, French Toast, Muffins, Cinnamon Bites, Waffles, Pancakes, Smoothies, Breakfast Cookies

Lunch Ideas for the Month

Mini Pizzas, BLT’s, Hot Dogs, Lunch meat Sandwiches, Grilled Cheese, Grilled Ham & Cheese, Leftovers

June Meal Plan

First week is listed above

8 ~ Salad

9 ~ Fried Egg Sandwiches

10 ~ Crockpot Chicken

11 ~ Spaghetti and Meatballs

12 ~ Homemade Pizza

13 ~ Eat Out, Baseball Tournament

14 ~ Grill Out

15 ~ Sloppy Joes

16 ~ Breakfast

17 ~ Chef Salad

18 ~ Sandwiches

19 ~ Tacos

20 ~ Corn Dogs

21 ~ Grill Out

22 ~ Chicken Stir- Fry and Rice

23 ~ BBQ Meatballs

24 ~ Chicken Bacon Ranch Wraps

25 ~ Potato Bar

26 ~ Casey’s Birthday Celebration – Wow, the Big 1-2

27 ~ Buffet (leftovers from party)

28 ~ Grill Out

29 ~ Southwestern Salad

30 ~ Chicken Nuggets

For more great recipe plans, please visit:

~Menu Plan Monday hosted by I’m an Organizing Junkie



  1. I like the idea of posting the breakfast and lunch ideas for the kids. Mine are done in a few weeks and I think I might do the same.

  2. That sounds like a delicious menu plan, Liz! You always inspire me!

  3. What a yummy looking menu! I love doing dinners like baked potato bar or taco bar. It is so easy and everyone loves it!

    Have a great week!

  4. Wow, I am so impressed that you plan out a month at a time. Do you find that you stick to it pretty well? I might have to try this!

    1. Yes, sometimes I flip around the days, but I stick to what we have pretty well. Thanks for visiting.

  5. I did the same thing for lunches that you did. I made a big list of lunch/snack ideas, filled my cupboard with said items (cans, packages, etc) and then told the boys they would be in charge of getting lunches this summer. I shall see how well that maternal scheme will work. Your menu looks yummy.

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