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Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes for The Cupcake Challenge

Welcome to the first week of The Holiday Cupcake Challenge! We will be celebrating the Holidays all month long with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!

Today’s challenge is flavor! What flavor screams the holidays to you? Apple, Peppermint, maybe Pumpkin?

How about Pumpkin Pie?? Or maybe Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes?

I’ll have to confess, while I LOVE anything flavored with pumpkin…muffins, pancakes, cookies, cupcakes, etc. etc…I’m not a fan of Pumpkin Pie, but these little Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes, I would definitely try!

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes from HoosierHomemade.com


  1. Bake and cool cupcakes. If you have a mound or round top on the cupcake, cut it off slightly with a knife.

Pumpkin colored frosting

  1. Add a small amount of orange, copper colorings and cocoa powder to the Buttercream Frosting. I just had to play with it until I got the color that I thought looked like Pumpkin Pie.

Pie crust

  1. Add a small amount of cocoa powder and yellow coloring to the Buttercream Frosting. It doesn’t take very much at all, just a couple drops of coloring and about 1/8 of a teaspoon cocoa. Again, I just worked with it until I got the right color. Fill the pastry bag with frosting.
  2. Frost cupcakes with Pumpkin colored frosting, to make them smooth, run your spatula under hot water and smooth gently over frosting.
  3. Then, pipe on Pie crust. I used a Wilton tip #101, and piped the frosting on using a ribbon effect. If you don’t have the tip and want to use a pastry bag, you can watch Karen from What’s New, Cupcake demonstrate.
  4. After you have piped on the crust, add a dollop of white frosting to the center, using a large round tip. Add a very small dash of nutmeg and a walnut or pecan for decoration.

You all know how much I love Alan & Karen’s amazing cupcake creations in Hello, Cupcake and What’s New, Cupcake? books. My inspiration for these Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes came from their Bake Sale Pies.

To kick off our Holiday Cupcake Challenge, Alan and Karen are giving away a 2011 Hello, Cupcake Calendar to the winner of this week’s challenge! They sent me a calendar a couple months ago, and I had to hang it right away! It’s full of their great cupcake inspiration, like Pool Cupcakes, Back to School Apples and yup, you guessed it…Bake Sale Pies!

And as an added bonus! It’s signed…by Alan and Karen! How fun!

Now, let’s see what you have for the Flavor Challenge! And remember, you can enter your cupcake until next Monday, the 8th. and then on Tuesday, when you add your Thanksgiving Inspired Cupcake, voting will begin for this week. The winners will be chosen by you and your readers. So be sure to let me know!

Feel free to add any cupcake…even if you aren’t entering the Challenge. Don’t have a blog, but still want to enter? Contact me and we will figure it out!

Hot Toddy Cupcakes submitted by reader Joy, she doesn’t have a Blog, but still wanted to participate.

She started with a yellow cake mix, and added applesauce and rum extract. For the frosting she also added some rum extract. They look yummy don’t they?



  1. I actually made the Bake-Sale Pies for Thanksgiving and saw these wonderful cupcakes when I was uploading the photos onto Flickr. They’re just lovely; thanks for sharing them!

  2. Rose in Ohio says:

    Those pumpkin pie cupcakes are the cutest I’ve ever seen for Thanksgiving! Do you think my coworkers would be happy if I made some and brough them to work? That’s a rhetorical question, of course—they’d be over the moon, and I’ll send them right here for the recipe!

  3. These sound so yummy and easy to make. These would make for great take home individual treats!


  4. Your pumpkin pie cupcakes are wonderful! I bet they taste as good as they look too.

  5. My family would love these for Thanksgiving. Much more fun than the simple pie. Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the comment! I can’t wait to do the other three weeks 🙂 And love the pumpkin pie cupcakes. Might have to sub those for the real thing on Thanksgiving!

  7. I love pumpkin cupcakes. I love the Holiday Cupcake Challenge!

  8. Hi Liz

    Love, love, love the pumpkin pies. Bet they taste as great as they look. I’m really looking forward to reading about the flavors next week.

    Alan Richardson

    1. Thanks so much Alan! I love the pumpkin flavor, especially in these cupcakes 🙂
      Love the calendar too 🙂

  9. Those are just adorable!

  10. Love the pumpkin pies!

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