More Cupcake Fun

I’ve been baking like crazy this week! Sharing my cupcakes with 3 super amazing bloggers!

Hop on over to Tatertots and Jello and learn how to make these Super Fun  Cupcakes!

We are celebrating Connie’s new baby, Peyton, over at Smockity Frocks! Head on over and Congratulate her!

I baked up these yummy Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Cream Cheese frosting and shared them over at Moms Need To Cook!


And I’m just thrilled to have my Memorial Day Cupcakes featured on Mom Logic!

Summer Fun! Snow Cone and Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes with a How-to Video.

Please visit these great blogs and tell them the Hoosier Momma sent you!

I’m linking to some of the Blog Parties in the footer, please give them a visit!


  1. You always have the best cupcakes. I need to follow you so I don’t miss a thing! Joni

  2. Oh my goodness–Love the Memorial Day cupcakes—so incredibly cute!!!!!!!!

  3. Those are so cute! Thank you so much for posting them! I didn’t see them in time for Memorial Day, but they will be perfect for the 4th!

  4. Super cute cupcakes! The strawberry cream cheese ones sound delicious.

  5. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    The tater tots and jello cupcakes made me giggle 😉 The strawberry cupcakes looks really yummy. I bought some strawberries yesterday now do I actually make something with them (like your cupcakes) or do I eat them plain from the container?
    .-= Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue´s last blog ..Was It Really Just Paper and Glue? =-.

  6. Uh… I can barely talk after viewing those strawberry cupcakes. You’re amazing. You just really are. Wait.

    I had to scroll up one more time to look. Ok. I’ll be ok. Maybe.

    Thanks for linking up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

    1. @Funky Junk Interiors, You are too funny! Thanks so much for visiting! I’m just thrilled you like my cupcakes!Last night I was telling hubs that I wanted to make a new headboard, a bedspring maybe, and he said “a bedspring? REALLY? you are kidding right? a bedspring?” hehe, I told him, well, FunkyJunk uses them, 🙂

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