
Meals ~ September 28 – October 4

As we fly through Fall, it still totally amazes me how fast times goes. It’s almost time to post my October menu plan, seems just like last week I posted the plan for September. We have tried lots of great dishes this month, and I have lots saved that I’m planning for October.

The Fall Festival was full of fun, food and of course friends last week. There was a giveaway each day. I gave away a set of my handmade pumpkins. And the winner is …

#14, comment by Lucy Marie, she wrote “I do many of the same things to prepare for fall! It is my favourite season .. I love the smells, sights and sounds of fall! Those pumpkins you made are very cute.”

Some hits this week in our house were the Caramel Apple Smoothies, Golden Apple Pie and the Taco Bake. They were all new recipes to me and well worth repeating.

This week we will have…

Monday ~ Soup and Sandwich

Tuesday ~ BBQ Meatloaf (recipe from $5 Dinners)

Wednesday ~ Spaghetti and Meatballs

Thursday ~ Enchilladas

Friday ~ Chicken Patties and Oven Fries

Saturday ~ Pizza Braid (didn’t get it made last week)

Sunday ~ Chicken N’ Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Corn

And baking this week…

Pumpkin Bread.6

~Pumpkin Bread 

~Zucchini Bread (yep, still have zucchini to use)

~Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Be sure to stop back tomorrow and link up your favorite cupcake or muffin recipe on Cupcake Tuesday.

For more meal plan ideas, be sure to visit I’m An Organizing Junkie and Chive Talkin’.


  1. Please come join me for Crock Pot Wednesday at diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com. Mister Linky is up and ready for your favorite slow cooker recipe. Come check it out. Thanks. Debbie

  2. I am drooling over those caramel apple smoothies. I have bookmarked that recipe!
    .-= Deana´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday: Sept. 28, 2009 =-.

  3. You have some yummy recipes planned.
    I love MPM. I get so much inspiration from the participants.
    Well, I’m listening to The Closer episodes online. I hope you have a great week!

  4. I always enjoy hearing about what meals faired well. Although I’ve never had a real bomb from Finer Things, it’s always good to get a second opinion! I have a coupon for crescent rolls laying around, and I didn’t think I’d use it, but it sounds like the recipe is worth a try. Thanks!
    .-= Kristen´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday 9.28 – 10.4 =-.

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