Fall Produce


We don’t have a garden at our house, but my husband tends to a garden at the farm where he works. We were blessed this year to have a huge, and I mean, h-u-g-e bounty of zucchini. I have baked countless goodies, froze tons and fried up our share. I still have 14 pretty large zucchini waiting for me this weekend.


We also had peppers that I froze. I’m looking forward to using them in soups this winter.

Freezing Peppers

And we had some peppers that we didn’t eat. So, what’s the best thing to do with unused peppers that I couldn’t even give away…

Decorate with them 🙂

Banana Peppers.2

This is the final day of the Fall Fest. We’ve had a great time hosting and hope you all have enjoyed all the great Fall inspiration this week. You have missed any, here is a re-cap of them:

~Feathering Your Nest by HoosierHomemade(yours truly) and a pumpkin giveaway

~Falling For Fun by Daily Dwelling and a Family Book Giveaway

~Fall Traditions by Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free and Wilton Baking Racks Giveaway

~Fall Recipes by Life As Mom and a Susan Branch Autumn Book

Today Amy at Finer Things of Life is hosting The Finer Things of Fall, and she is giving away some great scrapbooking supplies just in time for all those Fall pictures.


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