
Meals ~ January 25-31 ~ Homemade McGriddles

Having breakfast for dinner is a family favorite in our house. I include it on our menu at least twice a month. Recently I decided to give some Homemade McGriddles a try. They quickly became a favorite. These little McGriddle type sandwiches are very versatile, I served them for dinner one night along with breakfast stew and some fruit, and also made them a couple times for Sunday morning breakfast. Be sure to make extras too, they keep well and make a quick breakfast when you are in a hurry.



  • Make a batch of silver dollar (small) pancakes, I use this recipe
  • Slice and cook sausage patties or cook some bacon in the oven
  • Scramble 1 egg at a time in a bowl, then fry, trying to keep the eggs from spreading (I need to get one of those handy cookie cutter type egg holders)
  • Assemble pancake, egg, sausage or bacon, add a slice of cheese and top with another pancake


I’m glad my family enjoys having breakfast type food for dinner, it’s not only delicious, but it’s a frugal meal too, depending on how much meat you serve. I keep the cost of the meal around $5, but sometimes a little higher if we add bacon.

Additional notes: I forgot to add that sometimes I add syrup to the pancakes while they are cooking (Thanks Connie for reminding me).

Monday ~ Chicken Stir-Fry, Rice

Tuesday ~ Beef N’ Noodles, Mashed Potatoes

Wednesday ~ Breakfast

Thursday ~ Vegetable Soup, Cornbread

Friday ~ Enchilladas, Mexican Rice

Saturday ~ Corn Dogs, Onion Rings

Sunday ~ Shanghai Wings, Rice

If you are looking for some Cupcake ideas, head on over to my Cupcake Heaven page.



  1. Wowee! We really have stopped eating fast food but my family LOVES McGriddles…I will have to try this over the weekend. Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..Menu Plan Week of 1/25 =-.

  2. I’ll have to try that recipe. My hubby loves McGriddles, but we almost never eat out for breakfast so he almost never gets to eat them.
    .-= Mandi´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday =-.

  3. OMGosh! McGriddles are my fav, I splurge once a month on them but I’ve never tried them at home. I will def be trying this, thanks for sharing!

  4. The link for breakfast stew goes to a breakfast taco recipe. Is that the correct link? Breakfast stew sounds interesting!

    1. @Erica, Yes, that’s correct. I use that same recipe, we just don’t put it in tortillas. Thanks for asking, I’ll make a note on the post about it.

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