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Summertime Hacks for a Simpler Summer

Summer is all about slowing down and enjoying family and friends. Whether you are grilling, camping, doing yard work, or just lying out in the sun, there are plenty of ways to make life simpler and cut some corners to save time and energy. Take a look below at 10 Summertime hacks for a simpler summer so you can enjoy the lazy days of Summer even more.

The lazy days of Summer should be stress-free and fun! These Summertime Hacks will bring a simpler Summer for you!

1. Make quick and easy fire starters.

If you enjoy having bon fires and cookouts, get your fire started easily when you make these DIY fire starters. To make your own, just save dryer lint and stuff it into cardboard toilet paper rolls. When you are ready to start a fire, just light them and toss them in.

Summer Survival First Aid Kit

2. Soothe Summer boo boos with these quick and easy cold packs in your Summer Survival Kit

It seems as though boo boos happen often in the Summer months. To treat them quickly, pour some liquid dish soap into a Ziploc bag. Secure it closed and place it in the freezer. The liquid soap won’t freeze solid, but will stay pliable and cold, perfect for placing on ouchies!


3. Keep bugs away with sage.

Bugs that would love to bite you are repelled by sage. Take dried sage or sage bundles and toss them into your campfire. The smoke will keep bugs away so you can relax! You can also try planting sage around your yard, or light sage bundles and place them in dishes on your picnic table. Sage essential oil is another must-have for Summer.

4. Charge extra solar lights for night time fun.

Place a few extra solar lights in a pail or flower pot and leave them outside to charge. Should you need extra lights due to a power outage, outdoor campfire, or any other outdoor activities you will have them on hand. You can even take them on walks!

5. Make your own slip n’ slide.

There is no need to spend big bucks on a slip n’ slide. Instead, take a tarp and place it on the grass. You want to be careful with what you use to weigh it down, as you don’t want anything that can fly up and puncture skin. Use balloons filled with water that have been frozen, as they do the trick well. Then, just turn the hose on it and slip, and slide!

Summer-Survival-Kit for Kids

6. Replace water balloons with sponges.

Water balloon fights are fun but it is so much work filling all those balloons up. Instead, fill a plastic tote with water and fill it with assorted sponges. You can buy sponges at your local Walmart, and they will soak up the water nicely and are perfect for throwing! Plus, you don’t have to worry about injuries since sponges won’t hurt when thrown.

Add the sponges to a Kids Summer Survival Kit.

7. Put Vaseline on picnic table legs.

Are you tired of ants crashing your party? If so, wipe some Vaseline on picnic table legs. This will make it hard for them to climb up and they will instead go elsewhere. You can also use this trick on outdoor chairs and dining sets.


8. Plant marigolds for pest control.

A border of marigolds around your garden can help keep rabbits and other pests out. These are inexpensive to buy, easy to plant and care for, and can really make a difference. If critters are an issue, see if marigolds help.

9. Keep sunglasses safe on a hanger.

Are you tired of losing your sunglasses? If so, you can hang them just like you do clothing! To do so, just take a clothespin and clip them onto the bar of the hanger. You can hang several pairs of sunglasses per hanger this way and keep them safe.

Do you know how to pack your cooler? What should you add? Is the ice on top or bottom? Here are some tips to pack your cooler. You might not have thought of all of them.

10. Hide valuables at the beach in a food container.

Take an empty Pringles canister and place your keys, money, and other valuables in it. Place the lid back on and people will just think it is a can of Pringles. Feel free to swim and enjoy the sand while your valuables are safe. Learn how to safely pack a cooler.

Are you ready to hack your way to a simpler, more enjoyable summer? Give these 10 summertime hacks a try and see how they work for you!
Walmart Moms

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