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Summer Survival Kit

As a Mom to three boys, I have learned over the years to be prepared. Most of our Summer days are spent outdoors and quite often we are at the Baseball Field. This Summer Survival Kit will give you peace of mind that you are prepared for a change in the weather, those times when everyone is hungry and going through the drive-thru won’t work, in the event you need a First Aid Kit and more. 

Summer Survival Kit | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

The options are endless for your Summer Survival Kit, depending on your family and where you travel. There are a few things that I always pack that are must-have though.

Summer Survival Kit | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

Here is what I added to the Summer Survival Kit…

  • Large plastic tote with lid to hold your kit
  • Blanket – our weather here is crazy, even if it’s warm, many of the ball parks that we go to are windy. You can also use it to sit on or spread on the grass at the Park.
  • Umbrella – because you never know when you will need it
  • Snacks – non-perishable food, I packed Cheez-It Crackers, Snack Crackers and Goldfish
  • Water
  • Kleenex – you can find these small packages at Walmart near the Toilet Paper aisle
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
  • Toilet Paper Wipes – because well…you just need to be prepared
  • First Aid Kit – more on what I packed below
  • Bubble Gun – they are a boredom buster, even the big kids and pets love this

Summer Survival Kit | First Aid Kit | Details on HoosierHomemade.com

First Aid Kit

This First Aid Kit does not cover everything, but it has a good amount of the items that are good to have on hand. I keep it all in a handy plastic tote with lid. You can find everything you need at Walmart.

  • Cold Compress – we have used these ice packs more times than I can count
  • Eye Wash – with dust, dirt and bug flying around, it’s a good thing to pack
  • Band-Aids – multiple sizes are best
  • Triple Antibiotic Ointment
  • Medicine – pain reliever and/or allergy medicine
  • Anti-Itch Spray – for bug bites
  • Bug Spray – I keep this in a resealable bag just in case
  • Sunscreen – keep in resealable bag
  • Peroxide – keep in resealable bag
  • Gauze Pads
  • Tape
  • Wet Wipes – to clean up scrapes or dirty hands

Heading on a Road Trip? You may also like these Road Trip Snacks.

15 Road Trip Snacks on HoosierHomemade.com

Walmart Moms


  1. great post. i missed this weeks WFMW cause I have nothing to share. LOL but yours is pretty good 🙂

  2. This is a great idea. I put together a small desk kit for my husband when he had a desk job. He was pleased and appreciated the thought.
    When a button fell off he had a needle and thread in his desk.

  3. Wow, great idea and what a wonderful wife you are!

  4. What a blessing for your hubbie! I am inspired to try something like this for my husband!

  5. good idea i do this in winter in case of snowy roads never thought of a summer kit, great idea just for general use too.

  6. That’s a brillant idea! Great to adapt for families on the go too.

    PS: Grocery shopping at Aldi rocks!

  7. Erin @ Closing Time says:

    Great idea…and so thoughtful!

  8. what a great and sweet idea. How sweet of you to think of this for him. How creative to think of a summer survival kit loving it

  9. Great idea! I am going to put one of these together this week. I usually have a few of those items, but they are just tossed in a bag in the back of my van. I love how this is all together and organized.

  10. You are the best wife EVER. How considerate and inspiring!

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