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Organizing your Office Space

Is paper clutter creating a mess in your home or office? It’s important to have a space that makes you comfortable and brings you joy! Organizing your office space is one of the first steps, and getting control over all those papers.

Organizing your office space doesn't have to be fancy or take a lot of time. This simple process will allow you to get your paper clutter under control. Let's get organized once and for all!

Working from home is a great thing. It can also be a challenge because honestly, you are never away from your work. Over the years, we have changed our office and work space several times, trying to find the best way to tackle the paper clutter. No matter how much we want to stay organized and not deal with papers, it’s inevitable.

So instead of fighting it, we decided to get our office organized once and for all.

Organize your Office Space

Last year, we moved all the furniture out of the Living Room into the Dining Room so that we could create a work studio. Which then meant, that we needed to have a space to put the television. So Doug built a console that would hold the television, movies, games, and so forth.

About once a year, I like to “shake things up” in the house and move everything around. I blame it on two things; 1) it’s Fall, it’s like a new beginning for me and 2) I have been working a lot on my values and intentions lately, and one of those is my home. (more on that in a bit)

So we purchased a new TV console for the Family Room, and moved the one that Doug built into the office. I actually think it is more beautiful in this room than in the Family Room,

Let me show you where we started…

Before photo of unorganized office

No matter how hard I tried, the paper clutter ruled the office. The cookbooks, magazine, papers, to do lists – it was overwhelming. And the space was stark, and not too inviting.

That’s where Pop n’ Store comes in.

Office supplies in boxes

Giving each of the items in the office a home was our first step. We divided everything out into piles, then decided which size Pop n Store box they would fit in.

Some items aren’t used very much, and others are used on a daily basis. We took that into consideration as well.

Controlling paper clutter in the office

I love sending handwritten cards and letters. I don’t get around to it very often, but when I do, I need to have the supplies handy.

Organizing your Office Space

Some of the items that I use on a daily basis work best in the Mega Box from Pop n’ Store on top of the console.

Tickler File

Doug takes care of most of the financial paperwork in our home, so he created a Tickler File in the Pop n’ Store Mega Box. Essentially it’s a file that has one folder for each day of the month, and in that folder you place what needs to be taken care of that day.

Organizing your office space doesn't have to be fancy or take a lot of time. This simple process will allow you to get your paper clutter under control. Let's get organized once and for all!

Of course I couldn’t leave the decorating out. I wanted the space to be functional, but I also wanted it to be pretty. We added curtains, a lamp, candle warmer, a quote and yes – I’m a Sharpie junky.

As I said a little bit ago, I have been working on creating value based intentions, and a big one for me is our home. Over the last few years, I have been working so much that our home has taken a back seat, and I’m working to change that.

A few of my possession values are – comfort, calmness, peace, joy, enjoyment and of course organization and tidiness.

Do you have value based intentions that you live by?

Organizing your office space doesn't have to be fancy or take a lot of time. This simple process will allow you to get your paper clutter under control. Let's get organized once and for all!

We didn’t just stop with the office though – we loved the storage boxes so much that we began getting the rest of our home organized as well. In the studio for our craft supplies – in the closet and dresser in the bedroom and in the front foyer for Winter gear.

Pop N' Store Boxes

The Pop n’ Store boxes are super easy to put together. They have scratch resistance fabric bottom that protects surfaces and offers extra support for the contents of the box. They are assembled within seconds – open the box, push down the support, and add the lid – it’s that simple. And they are foldable, reusable, versatile and durable.

The storage boxes come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. And will transform your space into a beautifully organized area.

For more inspiration – follow Pop n’ Store on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.

Look for a location near you to purchase Pop n’ Store.

Pop n Store Disc

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