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Easy Mother’s Day Gifts for Kids to Make

Celebrate Mom, Grandma, Aunts and Friends with these easy Mother’s Day Gifts for kids to make! Whether your special lady enjoy gardening, decorating, reading or even jewelry, here are some really fun ideas for you.

Easy Mother's Day Gifts for Kids to Make! They don't take much time and are inexpensive too!

Some of the most precious gifts I have received over the years are those that the boys made for me. The other day when I was organizing the attic, I came across some of the adorable Mother’s Day gifts that they had made years ago.  It’s so fun to look back at them and remember.

A couple years ago for Christmas, Doug and the boys used popsicle sticks to write down things that they loved about me, similar to the Spring Activity Jar for Kids. It didn’t cost much at all, and meant the world to me.

We have 12 really fun and easy gift ideas for the kids to make for Mother’s Day…

Click on the photo to see the instructions for each Craft Idea

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Mom is Special | Herb Planter | Decorated Wooden Birds

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Dandelion Bouquet | Printable Book | Decorated Pots

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Painted Twigs | Mason Jar Centerpieces | DIY Jewelry

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Bookmark | Painted Rock Garden Markers | Painted Flower Pot

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