
Antique Watering Can with Flowers

Antique Watering Cans are some of my favorite decorating items. I use them indoors during the Winter, and I add flowers to them during the Spring, Summer and Fall months.

Recently while landscaping the front of our home, I put together my  Antique Wagon and planted flowers in it. After that little project was done, I moved onto the Watering Cans.

  • Begin with an Antique Watering Can or any other planter that you like, be sure you have holes in the bottom for drainage
  • Fill about 3/4 full with potting soil…I use a mixture of potting soil and compost
  • Choose your flowers…I like impatiens in the Watering Cans because they fill in nicely and make a big splash of color
  • Divide plants, loosen the bottom so that the roots are not compact…they grow better that way, I uses usually 4-5 plants per Watering Can
  • Place in container and fill with soil
  • This is the Watering Can right after I planted it

I have 2 Antique Watering Cans and an Antique Double Bucket on my Front Porch.

I just absolutely love them! Do you plant flowers in unusual containers? Please share your ideas!

I’m linking to…Made By You MondaySaturday Night Special




  1. Very creative idea! It looks amazing and I would love to try it out. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Hi, friend! I’m admiring all your creativity here. Can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers’ Party & Hop. Hope to see you there at the party 🙂

  3. I love planting things in old cans and buckets! Those look great. Especially when it’s mid summer and they are just spilling out all over the place. And no plastic!!!

  4. donna giblin says:

    I also have an antique watering can that I have planted flowers in. Only I stenciled a bouquet of flowers on the front of. And I LOVE your wagon too!!! So jealous of it, now I need to be on the hunt for an antique wagon 🙂

  5. This is a perfect idea for Military Wives who don’t want to plant in the (rented/base housing) ground. *AND* I LOVE watering cans!

  6. And to think I got rid of an old can years ago with holes in the bottom. Ugh! Now I’m going to be on the lookout for some more…

    Thanks for sharing at the Tuesday Garden Party-it was nice to see you there!

  7. I love the way that looks! I think I’ve got just the container in my garage. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love your idea of using the antique watering can and buckets as planters–they look great! I like to use old baskets in the same way. I had one that I had used as a wastebasket in a bathroom for a while, but I got tired of it yet didn’t want to throw away a perfectly good basket. Instead, I took it outside, lined it with a plastic garbage bag sized to fit inside, filled it with potting soil and hid the plastic bag at the top of the basket, and then planted some ferns that I had growing on a shady side of the house and some coleus that I had started from seed. I watered it in, and placed it in a group with other container plants, and it provides a little visual variety and looks great! Water every day, and miracle grow once a week to keep it growing and looking lush.

  9. I have an old watering can that I might use in this way.


  10. desiree@lookiloos says:

    Just had to let you know I planted my old watering can last week. It’s looks wonderful on my front porch. Thanks again for the inspiration! I look forward to more!

  11. I love my watering can. I am on the hunt for more…I think it makes a delightful presentation.

  12. I have a couple of OLD watering cans…maybe I should plant some flowers in mine! Come by and check out my COASTAL GIVEAWAY!


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