
Antique Watering Can with Flowers

Antique Watering Cans are some of my favorite decorating items. I use them indoors during the Winter, and I add flowers to them during the Spring, Summer and Fall months.

Recently while landscaping the front of our home, I put together my  Antique Wagon and planted flowers in it. After that little project was done, I moved onto the Watering Cans.

  • Begin with an Antique Watering Can or any other planter that you like, be sure you have holes in the bottom for drainage
  • Fill about 3/4 full with potting soil…I use a mixture of potting soil and compost
  • Choose your flowers…I like impatiens in the Watering Cans because they fill in nicely and make a big splash of color
  • Divide plants, loosen the bottom so that the roots are not compact…they grow better that way, I uses usually 4-5 plants per Watering Can
  • Place in container and fill with soil
  • This is the Watering Can right after I planted it

I have 2 Antique Watering Cans and an Antique Double Bucket on my Front Porch.

I just absolutely love them! Do you plant flowers in unusual containers? Please share your ideas!

I’m linking to…Made By You MondaySaturday Night Special




  1. cheryl Davenport says:

    I also have many old water can,I have them inside and out.I think they are great.I love yours.

  2. desiree@lookiloos says:

    What a fabulous idea! I have an old watering can that came with our house when we moved in 20 some years ago. I’m heading to the nursery tomorrow to pick up some flowers to plant in my watering can. I seriously can’t wait to do this!

  3. Stopping by from the I’m Lovin’ it Fridays party! Signed up for your email subscription 🙂 I’d love for you to stop by my blog and take a peek!

    Those flowers are super-cute. Reminds me of something I would see back home (in Maine) and that definitely makes me happy!

    1. @KentuckyCooking, I visited your blog and saw the yummy macaroons! I tried to leave a comment but it wouldn’t let me. Just thought I’d let you know!

      1. @CupcakeLady,

        Hey Liz –
        Thanks for letting me know. Seems like the word verification was hanging it up; I turned it off for now. Please feel free to stop by and say hello again! 🙂

  4. I used to have an old wheelbarrow, the kind with the metal wheel, planted with flowers in my front yard. We’ve been gone from home for so long, it became overrun with ants, so we emptied it, and I gave it to my mom to use in her yard. Old things like that make beautiful planters!

  5. Susie's Homemade says:

    What a great look!!

  6. That is so pretty – what a great idea. It makes the stairway look lovely!

  7. I absolutely love it!! You want to know why?? I have the identical one filled with impatiens in my back yard!!! LOL!!

  8. I have an antique watering can that I just love too. I never would have thought of planting flowers in it though. It looks so pretty!!

  9. I love the watering can idea also! When we bought our 15 acres there was some “stuff” in the woods and I went through it and found an old watering can. This year I also planted impatiens in it but I only put one in and after seeing yours, I think it needs another! Yours looks great!

      1. Inez Scheideman says:


        Hi! I love your watering cans and little wagon. I have used watering cans for a “few” years but my front steps face the south, so it is too hot for impatiens plants, and I use pansies in the watering cans. They also fill out and look pretty awesome! I have also “acquired” an old wheelbarrow from my husband and I fill it up wiht some perennials and finish it off with annuals and it really looks “special”. The bonus on the wheelbarrow is that I can move it around when I just happen to change my mind where I want a little extra color that week. I have also used old metal tea kettles with pansies in them and they work fantastic. My sister gave me an old copper wash tub that I also fill up with annuals every year that grow just amazing – I don’t know if it is the copper or just the heat and the metal. Thanks and happy garowing.

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