Strawberry Cream Pie Cupcakes: Cupcake Tuesday

Welcome to Cupcake Tuesday! I’m so glad to have you! I have updated the Cupcake Heaven page, there are over 100 designs and recipes! Check it out!!

Are you tired of the Pie Cupcakes yet? I sure hope not! I have a few more for you.

Strawberry Cream Pie Cupcakes were inspired from memories of picking strawberries in my Dad’s berry patch and making a fresh Strawberry Pie with them. My Dad was an amazing gardener!! His tomatoes were the talk of the town! In the early years, I remember his garden being HUGE, he usually put out 48 tomato plants, green peppers, corn, carrots and lots more. But, his pride and joy was his strawberry patch. He would fight to keep the birds away and pick hand fulls at a time, carrying them up from the patch in the tail of his shirt.

There are several different varieties of Strawberry Pie. Some cooks make it with just the pie crust, strawberries and glaze. Others make it with chopped strawberries and whipped topping. The Strawberry Pie we are re-creating in a cupcake today, has the crust {cupcake}, the filling, fresh strawberries and glaze.

Walmart and most of the grocery stores have had strawberries the last couple of weeks, and while they are nothing like fresh picked, they are definitely a bite of Spring!

I have created steps for you, although they are pretty easy to make.

Strawberry Cream Pie Cupcakes

Strawberry Cream Pie Cupcakes

Deliciously decadent Strawberry Cream Pie Cupcakes from


  • White cake mix plus ingredients
  • Fresh Strawberries
  • Cream Filling
  • Strawberry Glaze
  • %

Cream Filling

  • 4 oz {1/2 package} cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1-2 cups powdered sugar {depending on consistency}
  • splash of vanilla


  1. Bake cupcakes; I added a little less than 1 tablespoon {cookie dough scoop} of cake batter to the liners; let cool.
  2. Cut about 1/2 inch off the tip of strawberries, place 1 whole tip in the center, then cut the remaining tips in half and place around the center; you could also just cut pieces and place them in the filling.
  3. Add glaze to the top of the strawberries, coating them completely.
  4. %

Cream Filling

  1. Cream all ingredients until smooth and you reach desired consistency.

Strawberry Glaze Recipe:

If you want to cheat {forgive me, I hosted 2 parties last weekend} like I did, just buy a container in the produce section at Walmart, it’s only $1.58…but if you prefer to make your own, here is the recipe from Mommy’s Kitchen.

  • 1 small box (4 oz) strawberry jello
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon strawberry extract
  • 1 1/2 cups water


Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Bring mixture to boil, reduce heat to medium and cook until the mixture thickens, stirring often. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

While these Strawberry Cream Pie Cupcakes are delicious, they are also a cupcake you will need to eat with a fork. They set up a little better in the fridge over night and I was able to take this picture the following morning, but you will still need to serve them with a fork.

Pie Inspired Cupcake Series:

Now it’s your turn…show off your cupcake creations! I’d appreciate a link back and be sure to check out the other cupcakes!


  1. I love your strawberry cream pie cupcakes! Besides looking and tasting great, they offer me a better chance at portion control than a whole pie! 🙂

  2. Hi, I have looked for the •Lemon Meringue Cupcakes but can’t find the recipe. Has it been posted yet? I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the help!

    1. The Lemon Meringue Cupcakes were an exclusive recipe for the Cupcake Chronicles Newsletter. I can forward it to you.
      Thanks for subscribing.

  3. Liz, you are so inspirational. I have included you in my WW post! Thanks so much for all the great ideas you share with all of us!!

  4. Mama Kelly aka Jia says:

    These look delicious!! That strawberry topping alone makes me want to make a batch right now.

  5. About how much cream filling per cupcake? These look really really good, I’d love to try this recipe out as soon as we get fresh strawberries, which here in the south is only about a month away.

    1. Hi Charlene…long time no see 🙂
      I just filled the remainder of the liner with cream. So it really depends on how tall your cupcake is {how much batter you add}
      I wish our strawberries were only a month away.

  6. Miss Kitty Creations says:

    These look heavenly!!! I think I may try and make a new scented jewelry charm out of this. If it works I will most certainly send you one as thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Those look amazing! Thank you so much for hostessing.

  8. Your cupcakes make me long for summer and fresh strawberries. Thanks for hosting.

  9. these look so delicious and perfect for spring I shared a tasty recipe this week as well

  10. Looks like we had the same idea about Strawberries this week!

  11. These cuppers look so yummy! I can’t wait for strawberry season.

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