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Organizing Office Space

Slowly but surely we are working on our to do list for the office. First we painted, then last month, Doug created a dry erase board on the wall and next comes some organization. Trying to keep dishes, craft supplies and all the other items that I use on a daily basis for the blogs, organized has been a struggle. We have found ourselves searching for a supply for up to an hour, which is valuable time wasted.

Since our organization was LONG past due, I was super excited when Walmart offered to send me some organizing products.

We bought the shelves awhile back, but until now they really weren’t in any particular order. I tried to group the dishes together, but other than that, all of the supplies were just kind of scattered. Let me show you where we started…

I started by dividing items into piles, then put them into the containers.

The ribbon fit nicely in the medium lidded container. And even if it doesn’t stay organized like this, having a lid on the container is perfect.

The lidded storage boxes on the top shelf come in small, medium and large from Canopy and the black storage boxes also come in three sizes and are from the Better Homes and Gardens line at Walmart.

After the dishes were moved to their new spot, and the storage containers were done, it was time to move onto the cabinet I keep the tablecloths, placemats, napkins and fabric that we use in our photography.

Although I still have a large amount of fabric, I did get rid of quite a bit. Here is what needed to be organized…

I had quite the mess of fabric.

The cabinet is an antique tool box that we used to use for an entertainment center, which is why there is a hole cut of the back. We have a new television now, that won’t fit in the cabinet, but I love it and wanted to keep it.

The next best thing to an entertainment center…fabric organization! Doug put up a curtain rod that was leftover from our bedroom, and I hung up the placemats on pants hangers, keeping similar colors together.

And the napkins got rolled up and put into a storage box.

I divided the fabric into similar colors and put them into Canopy storage boxes. The larger pieces of fabric and the tablecloths were folded and placed in a pile, Doug needs to make a couple shelves to hold them and I still need to label each of the boxes. But it’s a pretty good start.

Hmm…what do you think this could be? If you follow me on Instagram, you might have an idea. Be sure to come back next week when we reveal the SECRET!

 Linking to…Show & Tell FridaySaturday Night Special 


  1. I need so badly to get mine all organized. I have the same shelves and they are a disaster area. You’ve definitely inspired me though! It looks great and I really like how you are handling the fabrics.

  2. Billie Jo says:

    What a great idea!!! I think it looks wonderful and it has given me a great idea for all my excess material and sewing projects. Thanks for sharing!

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