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Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes

In our house, chocolate and peanut butter is a favorite flavor combination. Mixing a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and mini Reese’s cups is about as perfect as it gets! These mini chocolate peanut butter cupcakes are one of my most requested cupcakes! 

MINI CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES -- Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Heaven! These mini cupcakes are perfect for any occasion!

Happy Cupcake Tuesday! I’m so excited you are here! Looking for a cupcake recipe? Be sure to check out the Cupcake Heaven page, there are over 300 cupcake recipes and decorating ideas!

In summer, I often find myself only making desserts with fruit flavors- lemon, strawberry, lime, etc- because they are a bit lighter. They are delicious, but last weekend we were all craving chocolate! Since my boys are all off to new adventures soon, I decided to break out a favorite recipe- mini chocolate peanut butter cupcakes!

MINI CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES -- Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Heaven! These mini cupcakes are perfect for any occasion!

The cake part of these cupcakes is Devil’s Food Cake- probably my favorite chocolate cake! It is so rich and the flavor is so robust- I love it! For the frosting, I used my favorite peanut butter frosting recipe. It is my go to peanut butter frosting now- and it add such a great peanut butter flavor! It took a long time to find the perfect combination of flavors for a chocolate peanut butter cupcake- sometimes it was too chocolatey, sometimes too much peanut butter! This combination, however, is just right! I used a mini cupcake pan to bake them – everything looks so cute when they are small- and the boys love that they are practically bite sized!

MINI CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES -- Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Heaven! These mini cupcakes are perfect for any occasion!

I topped these cupcakes with Mini Reese’s Cups – they come in a bag and don’t have to be unwrapped- yay! The kids, Doug, and I devoured these cupcakes and enjoyed one of our last nights together as a family for a while. There is nothing better than an awesome dessert to bring back great memories and spur discussions of the future. I love knowing that my boys will look back on my baking with great memories- and hopefully keep coming home for more!

What is your favorite cupcake recipe? Do you tend to bake with fruit flavors in the summer?

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MINI CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPCAKES -- Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Heaven! These mini cupcakes are perfect for any occasion!

Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes

Yield: 48
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Heaven! These mini cupcakes are perfect for any occasion!



  • Devil’s Food Cake Mix
  • 1 1/4 cup Buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup Oil
  • 4 Eggs, room temp

Peanut Butter Frosting

  • 1/2 cup Butter
  • 1/2 cup Peanut Butter
  • 1 1/2 – 2 cups Powdered Sugar
  • 1-2 tablespoons Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, place liners in mini muffin tins.
  2. Prepare cake mix plus ingredients and add about 2 tablespoons per cupcake liner.
  3. Bake for about 10 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into cupcake comes out clean.


  1. Cream together butter and peanut butter
  2. Gradually add powdered sugar, milk and vanilla until desired consistency.
  3. Fill a Decorator Bag with Peanut Butter Frosting, add a large swirl to each cupcake and top with a Mini Reese’s or Regular Size Peanut Butter Cup.



  1. Lisa {With Style and Grace} says:

    How fun! I love all things mini – less guilt, right? I came across your site via “Add a Pinch: Mingle Monday’s” and wanted to say hello!

  2. oh my gosh! I’m drooooling here! Reeses are like my faaaaavorite!!! Girl you got this going on!!! 2 words for you……Looooooooove them!!!


  3. I can’t wait to try these. I LOVE all things chocolate and peanut butter!!

  4. Oh my goodness, now I’m craving Reese’s! These look fantastic! I love the little mini Reese’s on top. My little boy loves Reese’s and loves to help me bake so I”m bookmarking this one for us to do. Thanks for sharing, stopping by from Skip to My Lou.

  5. These cupcakes look so cute and yummy! I can’t wait to make these! That peanut butter frosting looks sooo good!

  6. What cute little cupcakes! I’ll have to look for the minis, they would be fun to use. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oooh these look delicious! And I love finding new sprinkles and candy – especially when its on sale! 😀

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