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Meals~March 29-April 4~Chicken Mexican Soup

Welcome to another great week of menu planning! We enjoyed our sugar bliss last week with the Spring Hop Party! If you haven’t seen the treats, please take a few minutes to hop around and visit the amazingly creative bloggers. I’m excited too, the Hop Party continues for 3 more days. We have awesome giveaways too, so don’t miss out!

Lots happening this week too, April Fool’s Day is Thursday. We will be having a fun dinner, last year I made Snakes & Bugs, (please excuse the pictures, it was a pre-camera post)we had fun with it. Easter is also next Sunday, I will be making Ham and the usual fixins’ and will share our dinner plan later in the week.

During the winter months, I use my crockpot a lot for soups and stews, but even more, I use it during the Spring when we have Baseball games in the evening. It’s so nice to come home after the game and have dinner ready to eat. Yesterday, Nick, my 16 year old, had his first game of the season at LaPorte High School. We also had a parent meeting following the game, so I knew it would be a long day and we would all want lunch when we got home. I was happy that I had thought to throw the Chicken Mexican Soup in the crockpot before leaving, because we didn’t get home until 3 p.m.

This soup was one of those recipes that I just kind of threw together. My inspiration was the Taco Soup that I make often and everyone loves.

Chicken Mexican Soup

Chicken Mexican Soup


  • 1 large can Tomato Juice ($1.19)
  • 1 can Black Beans ($.59)
  • 1 can Diced Tomatoes with Green Chilies ($.59)
  • 1 cup (or so) of frozen Corn ($.25)
  • 2 tablespoons Taco Seasoning (I use Pampered Chef Southwest Seasoning, but any will work) ($.10)
  • 1 large Chicken Breast, frozen is fine ($1)

Additional toppings ($.50)

  • cheese
  • tortilla chips
  • sour cream


  1. Place all ingredients in Crockpot, including frozen chicken.
  2. Cook on High for at least 4 hours.
  3. Remove chicken and shred with 2 forks, return to Crockpot.
  4. Serve with toppings of your choice.

I bought all my ingredients at Aldi’s, my favorite store. Total cost for this lunch (or dinner) was $4.22!

Here is what we will be eating the rest of the week…

MondayHam & Cheese Calzones (Kraft), Oven Fries

Tuesday ~ Slow Cooker Orange Chicken and Rice

Wednesday ~ Lasagne Cups, Salad

Thursday ~ April Fool’s Dinner

Friday ~ Tacos, Nacho Bar

Saturday ~ Pulled Barbecue Chicken Sandwiches (recipe from Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free), Potato Salad (from last week’s menu)

Sunday ~ Easter Dinner, Ham and the fixins, I will be sharing my dinner post later this week

I’m linking to the Blog Parties in my footer, please visit them! You might just find one or two that are new to you!


  1. That sounds really good. I like the idea of the chicken cooking in the soup instead of having to pre-cook it. Great time saver!

  2. The soup looks awesome. I believe this is perfect anytime of the day. I would prefer mine a little bit spicier than the usual. 🙂 Would love to have this with plain tortillas.

  3. This all sounds really good! I do love my crockpot too! I’m using mine this week on a night where I’ll be leaving for an evening event before the Hubs gets home. That way, I can eat before leaving and his dinner will still be hot when he gets home!

    (If you’d like to see what else is on our menu, you can check it out here: http://littlestuffoflife.blogspot.com/2010/03/on-menu-sequel.html)
    .-= stephanie (LSL/Bold Avenue)´s last blog ..On the menu: the sequel =-.

  4. Do you deliver? This looks so easy, yet so “I spent hours in the kitchen-good”! I’m more impressed that you can plan your meals down to the last day of the week! (If only….) Off to buy frozen corn!

  5. This Crockpot Mexican Soup recipe looks so good. I’ll have to try it and double the recipe. Looking forward to Friday’s Nacho Bar.
    .-= Lori´s last blog ..HAPPY PASSOVER =-.

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