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Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Eggs

Well, this is it! The last day of the Spring Blog Hop Party!

Have you enjoyed it? I know I have. So many creative bloggers, it totally amazes me. I will be posting a re-cap of all the great treats that our hostesses shared, this weekend.

Our hostess for today, is Shelly from Cookies and Cups. Hop on over and give her a visit. Her work is just beautiful! She made homemade Peeps! Wow!

Today, I’m sharing these Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Eggs.

Let me begin by saying “I think I better stick to decorating cupcakes” 🙂 These really got the best of me. Again, like yesterday, I get this idea in my head, then I have to try and figure it out.

During Christmas, I made Homemade Peanut Butter Cups, we all loved them, so I really wanted to make them again for Easter, but in the shape of an Easter Egg.

I used the same recipe, except I used the Hershey’s Bliss candy that we received while attending the Blissdom Conference. I still had a couple bags left, and I wanted to use them up.

I tried forming the eggs a couple different ways, one with my hands, another using a plastic Easter egg as a mold. Neither of those worked too well.

Then I dug out my molds that I have for Jello Easter eggs. I poured a little chocolate in one side and used my Wilton brushes to cover the sides. Then I formed the peanut butter mixture into a small log, put it in the middle and filled a little chocolate around the edge, closed the top and poured more chocolate into the little hole. And put them in the frig to set up.

After they hardened, I took them out of the molds. This was not too easy, and they didn’t look too good. So, I laid them onto wax paper and gave them another coat of chocolate. Then decorated them using Buttercream Frosting.

So, do you make these eggs? How do you mold them? Please let me know, I really want to make them again.



  1. My Grandmother gave me peanut butter eggs every Easter when I was growing up. I have been searching for a recipe so I can make them for my kids and carry on the tradition. To make it extra special, I looked online and found a company, Box and Wrap that has the cutest Easter candy boxes and candy bags. I chose the bunny shaped candy box.

  2. Liz, they sounded a little frustrating for you to make but they turned out great and they look great! Love the little bunny in the shoot!

  3. I have loved following your Spring Blog Hop Party! So many fun ideas from such talented people. Thank you for putting this together. Your eggs look wonderful but I too will be checking for that mold at Hobby Lobby.. I’m all about easy! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks again!

  4. Aw, you worked so hard!! They’re very cute and I’m sure they taste ridiculously good, although if I’d worked so hard on them I’m not sure I’d want to eat them!!
    .-= Mrs. Jen B´s last blog ..Divine Deviled Eggs =-.

  5. pamela ponder says:

    yummm I have never made them but would love to give it a try!!!
    .-= pamela ponder´s last blog ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ OLD PICS OF MY GRANDMA AND GRANDPA, LOOKERS HUH??? =-.

  6. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    I remember making these growing up. My mom loved making all sorts of treats. We used a plastic egg mold; lined the mold with chocolate (I am pretty sure it was melted choc. chips) and placed in fridge to set; then we took it out put a lump of peanut butter in the center then covered it with chocolate. Once they were set, we popped them out of the molds. Maybe it was the type of chocolate you used that made them stick? They look very yummy and pretty 🙂
    .-= Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue´s last blog ..Not Just For Breakfast Pizza =-.

  7. Oh those peanut butter eggs look fantastic! I can’t believe what you went through but they look good!
    .-= Diane {createdbydiane.blogspot.com}´s last blog ..Spaghetti Breakfast =-.

  8. I recently bought a chocolatE egg mold at hobby lobby and it works great!!! 🙂 so easy to do and the eggs come out perfect. It was only $5 🙂

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