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Home Management Binder

Being organized and staying organized is often times a battle – there are schedules to keep for you and the family, after-school activities, meetings and of course cleaning and meals to prepare. This Home Management Binder will help you stay on top of everything that needs to be done in your home, life and family! 

Home Management Binder

So, how do you keep your routine running smoothly will all that needs to be done? Not to mention all the things that you want to do!

Many moons ago I started using a Home Management Binder to keep track of calendars, schedules, menu plans, cleaning the house, bills and more.

There are many different options to choose from when you are creating a Home Organization Binder, depending on what works best for you and your family.

However there are a few must have home binder printables in my opinion, that will help you create an organized home and life and are included in the FREE Starter Pack for you!

Home Management Binder Free Printables

To get you started on your own Binder, you can download the FREE  Home Management Binder Printables now!

Home Management Binder FREE Printables Starter Pack includes:

  • Daily To Do List – see how we use this page in our Daily System
  • Weekly Goals
  • Dates to Remember
  • Medical Information
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Cleaning Schedule
  • Home Maintenance Page
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • 2020 Calendar

Home Organization Binder

No matter what you include in your binder, I would suggest separating the categories with tabs. Keeping your binder organized is super important and the tabs will help save you time!

With all the Back to School sales, now is a great time to buy all of your supplies. A 3-three hole punch and label maker (love this one for the fun colored tapes!) are also great items to have.

Home Binder Printables

Having a cleaning schedule has saved me countless hours! At a quick glance, I can see what needs to be done that day and then add it into my daily schedule. And breaking down the chores into small tasks each day, spreads out the work and makes it more manageable.

This Cleaning Schedule printable is FREE in the Starter Pack! Add your email to the form below and we will send it right over to your inbox!

Meal Planning Printables

Meal Planning

Okay, let’s chat about meal planning for a minute! Next to my cleaning schedule, my monthly meal plan is the best time saver I have!

I have done a Monthly Menu Plan for many, many years. I like planning the whole month so there aren’t duplicate meals, but I only shop weekly.

Having your meals figured out ahead of time is not only a time saver, but also cuts down on your grocery budget. I know for us if I have the meals planned out, we eat out far less.

The Meal Planner set is included in the Home Management Binder Printables that you can purchase now to add to your Starter Set!

Home Binder

Now tell me – how often do you look for a paint color to touch up a room in your home? Or maybe you put carpet down and need to know the date it was installed?

Or better yet, you want to add some plants to your landscaping and need to know what plants are already growing.

The Home Maintenance section of the Home Binder has each room broken into a separate sheet for you, as well as the exterior of your home. Here is what is included:

Home Maintenance Interior:

  • Master Bedroom
  • Master Bathroom
  • Bedrooms (5)
  • Bathrooms (2)
  • Dining Room
  • Den/Office
  • Living Room
  • Kitchen
  • Laundry Room

Home Maintenance Exterior:

  • Exterior
  • Garage
  • Landscaping Details
  • Landscaping Graph for Design
  • Shed/Out Building

Home Binder Printables

Command Center for Home Management Binder

Now that you have your Home Management Binder completed, it’s time to find a spot in your home that you can easily update it and have it available to you daily! This Command Center has a spot for the Daily System with the clipboards, a chalkboard that holds the weekly menu plan, and wire file folder.


  1. Looks great! Can you email me the starter pack to make the clipboard system? Thank you.

  2. I can’t seem to find where I put my email for the free starter pack. All I see is the pack you buy. Thank you!

    1. Hi Rachel, I emailed you the starter pack.

      1. Sharon Fuhs says:

        I am having a lot of problems getting all things organized. This system may be the answer. I certainly will give this a try.

        1. Hi Sharon, I hope you enjoy the binder. I’m happy to help with organizing tips if you need them.

        2. I can’t find the starter pack either, thank you.

          1. Hi there, about half way down the page there is a large box that says – FREE PRINTABLES.
            After you enter your email, the starter pack will be sent to you.
            Let me know if you are still having trouble finding it.

  3. This is such a great idea. I lack organisation and this should help. Thanks. 🙂

  4. This is a lifesaver for me so thank you! You just saved me the cost and space of purchasing a file cabinet that I cant afford. I love the idea of having all the household and school info in one place!

    1. I’m so excited that it helped Vivian! Thanks for letting me know!

  5. I am gonna have to try this!! Keeping track of 3 kiddos, their activities, & MY activities is a challenge!

    And though I have lived in KY most of my life, I was born in Valpo!

  6. I would love to make a household binder. I have a recipe binder that I use everyday. But getting the hang of using a household binder just hasn’t stuck for me yet. I may have to give it a try again. I love the look of yours.

  7. Heeeeey! I’m a LaPorte Slicer!!!!!

    I’m here by way of a pin on Pinterest. I love the binder idea if I could just get the use of one to stick for longer than a week.

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