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DIY Snow Globe- 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

Wow! Day 98.. Only two more days and we’ll have completed all 100 Inspiring Holiday ideas! I’m happy that today we get to enjoy these magical DIY Snow Globes!

100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration continues today with day 98! Each day we will be inspiring you with  recipes, decorating ideas, crafts, homemade gift ideas and much more!  

There’s always been something so magical about a snow globe. Shaking it, watching the glitter or snow float down to the bottom as it circles around the scene within. A scene far more beautiful when the glitter or snow sparkle around it. I’ve always enjoyed snow globes and the inner beauty they hold.

DIY Snow Globes- a great Christmas gift!

Whatever you decide to put inside your homemade snow globe, I’m more than confident than they’ll be just as magical — it not more — than any snow globe you can buy from the store.

Find this DIY Snow Globe at Our Best Bites by clicking the link below…

DIY Snow Globe

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100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration

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