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DIY Christmas Reindeer: Holiday Inspiration

I am always looking for fun new things to do for Christmas décor and I think I found it this year. This DIY Christmas Reindeer is actually made from logs and I love it! I haven’t always been the handy type but this one is growing on me. She does a really good job with her tutorial and almost anyone can do this, I’m sure of it.

100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration continues with Day 94! Each day we are inspiring you with  recipes, decorating ideas, crafts, homemade gift ideas and much more! 


You could make this a family project and make it lots of fun for everyone involved. People young and old could help build this DIY Christmas Reindeer. Think about the memories you’ll be making this year when you create this cute little reindeer. Think about all of the wood you need to recycle, this would be a good way to do that. I’m also thinking these would make great gifts as well. If you’re looking for something to do for Christmas décor, you still have some time. This is also a DIY piece of décor that you can pull out each year. I love it! Come back and let me know if you made it.

Find this DIY Christmas Reindeer from Designer Trapped by clicking the link below…

DIY Christmas Reindeer

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