Decorating with an Antique Galvanized Chicken Feeder and a Summer Dining Room

OK, so you all probably think I have gone crazy! Decorating with a Chicken Feeder?

A few weeks back, Doug and I visited his Dad, and family to “go thru” the barns and choose what we wanted to keep, as the farm has sold. Let me tell you! I was like a kid in a candy store! And when I saw this Antique Galvanized Chicken Feeder, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. And believe it or not…I didn’t even have to fight any of the family members away. Doug’s sister said to me “you are gonna do WHAT with it?” Ha, yup, make a Plate Rack!

Among many other great finds, which I’ll be sharing very soon. We loaded up the Chicken Feeder and headed for home. With just a little washing, it was ready to display my favorite plates. I just love how the old Antique stuff, doesn’t even need much attention. The junkier the better as far as I’m concerned. The metal picnic basket is new (to me) too!

And since I’m sharing some new decorations in the Dining Room, I thought I would also share my Hoosier cabinet, all ready for Summer.

I used an old Coleman cooler, a picnic basket and picnic accessories on top. I loved how my Angel collection looked, all grouped together, so I left them. And added a large vase with fresh ivy, which I think adds a little softness to the Hoosier. Plus, it’s always good to bring the outside in.

On the window ledge, above the Buffet and the new “Plate Rack,” I have some Aqua Mason Jars. I have 3 filled with candles, and added another Star Garland, like the one I made for my 4th of July Mantle.

On the table, I placed a yellow tablecloth and topped it with a lace tablecloth for softness. Added a crystal dish with flowers floating and a couple candles.

And look who thinks she has a new watering bowl…

So, what do you think? Are you an Antique or Junk lover like me?

I’m linking to…Saturday Night Special


  1. Hi,

    I’m coming over from Blogfrog and am now a fan on Facebook!

    I love the chicken feeder! I must be a junk lover too! Love the cabinet too. I have a hutch and I change her around like a shop window, her name is Eve.

    Stop by my Popcorn when you get a chance.


  2. juunkdreamer says:

    Love the chicken feeder. I went right out to the barn and got a feeder to clean up. What about putting CDs or DVDs in it?

  3. Your cabinet is very rustic; I like it! Looks like you have a curious little kitty. :o)


  4. Your feeder is the second one I’ve seen this week! I love the idea. Your style is definitely fun. I’m visiting from Rhoda’s party and off to see more of your blog.
    🙂 Sue

  5. I love this…I am a galvanized junky! Now a chicken feeder is on my list. Thanks for the inspiration

  6. Susie's Homemade says:

    Really cool stuff!!

  7. You come up with the most fabulous of ideas for your finds. Love what you did with the chicken feeder and your cabinet etc., all looks lovely, homey and very inviting.

  8. OK… these chicken feeders must be the home decor craze now!! Looks great Liz! Good idea! 🙂


  9. Marianne G says:

    Nice decorating! My cats used to do the same thing to our goldfish bowl, they thought it was theirs.

  10. Love the chicken feeder. That is the second time I have seen one used for decor! What a great idea. Your cat picture was so funny! I love your cabinet decor, it all looks beautiful.

  11. It all looks great to me, Liz! Love the Hoosier and old cooler (we have a green one we still use that doesn’t look too much newer!), etc. Angels always seem to fit in everywhere, don’t they? I love repurposing old/antique stuff and farm equipment like that. I have a cream separator that will eventually become a plant/flower stand. Maybe once we start getting rain regularly, I’ll place it in my flower garden. It’s raining here today for the first time in days and we couldn’t be happier!


  12. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    Aahh – well my dining room is just and extension of my kitchen so I guess I didn’t think about that 😉 Regardless, it is a beautiful room and I love how it is decorated 🙂

  13. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    LOL – love the cat picture. 🙂

    I have to say that I am so jealous of your kitchen. I have no room to do something like that even though my kitchen is fairly large. I am looking forward to seeing your other antique finds.

  14. Oh ho ho… you know what gets me doncha?!? Guess which one I featured THIS time! 🙂

    Your kitty made me laugh! So typical isn’t it?


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