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Sprinkles ~ Re-purposing Spice Rack Bottles

A few years back, while visiting one of my favorite gals, Bakerella, I saw a Spice Rack that she had purchased and stored her Sprinkles in. Well, of course, at the time, it was way above my budget, so I have just been using old plastic jars to store my Sprinkles in.

Since my cupcake decorating has grown so much this past year, and with the generous gifts from Wilton, my Sprinkles collection, was taking over the Baking cupboard.

Most days, my cupboard and counter looked like this…ugh! It drove me crazy.

Fast forward a couple years to a couple weeks ago, when Doug and I were visiting my Father-in-law and choosing some of the household items that weren’t needed anymore, as the house and farm have sold.

When…what do I spy with my little eye? A Spice Rack with Glass Bottles!! YES! Score! My Sprinkles will have a new home!

We packed the Jeep, until we couldn’t fit another single thing in, and headed home. I dumped the old Spices, washed the bottles, and filled to my heart content!

Now all of my Sprinkles are happy in their little homes!

My counter is back to normal and I can actually find which Sprinkles I’m looking for.

And my Baking cupboard…I can actually find what I’m looking for in there too!

Have you Re-purposed anything lately? Share with me in my Blog Frog Community or on Facebook!

I’m linking to…Saturday Night Special



  1. That’s a great find and idea. You must use a lot of sprinkles! 😉

  2. How cute are those?! 😀

  3. Hi Liz, wonderful idea! I simply adore sprinkles. I have a bit of a “problem” in that I’m even a bit of a sprinkle hoarder. I guess it comes with the territory of having formerly owned a cake business, but that excuse is running thin now that I’m just baking for fun, family & friends!

  4. I love this! Everything looks so pretty in the containers too!

  5. I recently bought some spice jars to do that with my sprinkles too! My kids like to put sprinkles on their pancakes instead of syrup so we’ve got a lot of them and they usually want to choose which ones they get. In the spice jars they’re all visable and since they’re all the same size and shape they look neater sitting on the counter.

  6. Great idea and very cute!

  7. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says:

    That is a fabulous idea and I love your baking cupboard!

  8. Aww!!! This looks so pretty! Great idea!

  9. really great find! I love your roosters on top, I have roosters on top of my cabinets too 🙂 I love re-purposing items, that reminds me I need to be cleaning out my cabinets!

  10. I have a spice rack that I’ve been thinking about all week. I don’t use the spices in it– but can’t bring myself to toss the thing out.

    So when I saw the link on WFMW for re-purposing spice rack bottles, I was excited. And then when I followed it and found out it was YOU, the super-duper creative crafty blogger, I was even more excited.

    Great tip. 🙂

  11. Susie's Homemade says:

    What a beautiful job!!

  12. Good idea! Good way to recycle the bottles too. We usually throw our spice bottles out, but I think we’ll try this idea. Thanks for sharing it. =)


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