Cupcakes hit the Newsstand

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that my cupcakes would end up in a magazine…make that two magazines! Yes, my cupcakes have now hit the Newsstand, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Clear back in April, when the weather was just starting to get nice, I was re-creating my Halloween Cupcakes for Yum for Kids! This adorable publication is full of food and fun ideas for your kiddos.

Let’s take a peak inside…

Because my boys are all teens, I “borrowed” a little helper, thanks Jenna for being a great model!

Frankie and his Bride are such fun!

I was so excited to see my name in print! Thanks Yum for Kids for giving us this great opportunity!

And next up…Family Fun, this well known magazine has been a favorite of mine for many and many years! I was SO honored to have them re-create my Snow Cone Cupcakes!

So hurry on out to your closest Walmart, Barnes and Noble or Book Store and grab your copies today!


  1. Charity L. says:

    Congratulations, Liz! Your cupcakes are definitely print worthy!!
    Now, I have to go look up where I can order a subscription to that magazine. Looks good!

    1. Thanks so much Charity! I’m thrilled to be in the magazines. There are links to both of the magazines in this post, for you to subscribe if you like.

  2. Congratulations Liz! That is such a milestone and something to be very proud of accomplishing. I so would have loved to have gotten to meet you at the Duncan Hines event; not that it wasn’t okay to meet Doug. Although I’d been less intimidated about getting into a limo with you. LOL Congrats again,, I’m sure this is just the beginning.

  3. Marcy Charmley says:

    How awesome for you! Congratulations!

  4. That is great! Congratulations you deserve it.

  5. How neat! Congratulations Liz!!!

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