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Apple Crumble Pie

Apple Crumble Pie.fixed.

Sometimes a recipe gone bad, turns out for the good.

My middle son and his girlfriend had gone to pick apples with her family, and she requested they bake a pie. All was going well until…the pie crust 🙂

Nick and Brit apple pie.fixed.

We used the pie filling that I used in the Golden Apple Pie. This filling is the BEST I have ever tried, I don’t think I’ll ever use another apple pie filling.

So, here is where things got messed up. I was making dinner, and my son, who has helped me in the kitchen since he could only reach by standing on a chair, started mixing the pie crust. I make my crust in the food processor. He proceeded to put the flour and salt in the processor, and his girlfriend, mixed the oil and water. He poured the oil and water in and started mixing, well, it turned out really soggy and oily.

So, we started again…same thing happened the second time. And, of course, that was the last of the flour. We laid the wax paper out, and I tried to roll it, but it was way too thin. I happened to have a store bought pie crust in the fridge from a couple months ago, so we used that on the bottom, filled the pie and trying one more time to roll it out, without luck, I headed to the pantry. With the doors wide open, I stood and gazed with the baker’s wheels turning.

Ah ha! Vanilla Wafers! So, my son crushed them, we added some butter and viola! a delicious top crust was born!

Oh and, even better with whipped topping and a drizzle of caramel 🙂

Apple Crumble Pie.fixed.2.

Recipe for Pie Crust: (the way it should be done)

  • 2 c. Flour
  • 1 1/2 t. Salt
  • 1/2 c. Oil
  • 5 T. Ice Water

Mix flour and salt in food processor.

Pie Crust.fixed.7

Combine oil and ice water. Pour liquid into dry ingredients and combine just until combined.

Pie Crust.fixed.6

Divide dough in half, roll out in between 2 sheets of wax paper. Place in pie plate, proceed with pie filling as desired.

Pie Crust.fixed.3

Note: Be sure that your helper remembers he is using a 1/2 cup measuring cup, and needs to add “4” of them to make 2 cups of flour. 🙂

Be sure to visit:

~Tasty Tuesday hosted by Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

~Tuesdays at the Table hosted by All the Small Stuff

~Slightly Indulgent Mondays hosted by Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free

~Homemaker Mondays hosted by 11th Heaven’s Homemaking Haven

~Mouthwatering Mondays hosted by A Southern Fairytale


  1. Computer Chairs says:

    ~,, I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives great information ‘`*

  2. Oh, this looks so good. I’ve never done my pie crust in the FP. I need to give that a try…especially with pie season on it’s way.

    .-= Gail´s last blog ..Tempt My Tummy/Tasty Tuesday =-.

  3. I LOVE how things always work out in the end! 😉 Our family creations usually begin with failures turned good! hehehee!

    The budding chef will figure it out as he goes along! hehehe! I made the same mistake many times, along with burning many of my mother’s electric range covers by accidentally turning on the wrong burner! 😉 Got to Love it! 🙂

    .-= Jes´s last blog ..My FIRST Giveaway!!! Four Halloween Recycled Bottlecap Magnets (Oct. 19) =-.

  4. Ok, Liz, I’m going to start a debate. I am a firm believer that pie crust needs butter, not oil. Do you get a good, crisp, flaky crust with oil? That’s what I like about using butter.

    I’m sure it’s healthier without a stick of butter but some things aren’t worth the compromise.
    Maybe someone else has an opinion, too.

    Thanks for linking up to Slightly Indulgent Mondays! This is a great addition to the other recipes there. (Anything with fruit is Slightly Indulgent in my book.)

  5. Some of our favorite recipes are born from mess ups. This sounds really good–never would of thought to use vanilla wafers.
    .-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Menu Plan Week of October 4th-10th =-.

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