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Chocolate Covered Strawberry S’Mores

Well…if you haven’t figured it out…I’m totally on a S’More kick right now. Recently during a Walmart run, which is more often than I care to admit, I was on the hunt for those really big marshmallows. Unfortunately, I didn’t find them, BUT I did find these yummy strawberry marshmallows.

The gears in my brain started turning, what flavor of S’More could I use these tasty strawberry marshmallows on…

Chocolate Covered Strawberry…of course!!

They are very easy, using only 2 ingredients.

  • Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers (any variety, I bought the Walmart brand and they were about $1.25)
  • Strawberry Marshmallows

Roast the marshmallows, over the campfire or simply over the kitchen stove, like I did, and smoosh (that’s an official food word) the marshmallow between 2 cookies.

In other news…I just returned home from my NYC trip, I will have more to share soon, if you would like to see, I shared a few pictures on Facebook.

You may also like these ooey, gooey posts…

Caramel Apple S’Mores

National S’More Day

Are you a traditional S’More maker? What kind is your favorite?


  1. These look so upscale and yummy, and yet soooo easy. The kids will love them.

  2. Those sound amazing!! I linked your apple ones in my fri favs last week. And those peanut butter cookie ones look divine as well. YUM! Thanks so much for sharing your fab ideas.

  3. These look great, Liz!

    Thanks so much for joining in on Mingle Monday!

  4. Yum! I was wondering if these strawberry marshmellows were good or not and you have now confirmed it for me! 🙂

  5. I think we are going to try the strawberry ones for our cookout. Yum!

  6. I think I’m going to try the strawberry ones for our cookout! Yummy!

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