Wordless Wednesday ~ Fun at the Fair

Our County Fair is this week. We had fun, here are a few things that we did.









For more great blog carnivals, please visit:

~Photo Story Friday hosted by My Chaos My Bliss

~Family Friday hosted by Homemaker Barbi

~Wordful Wednesday hosted by Seven Clown Circus

~Wordless Wednesday hosted by Go Graham Go

~Wordless Wednesday hosted by The Newlyweds

~Wordless Wednesday hosted by The Not So Blog-Blog


  1. I missed the fair this year, but I always enjoy it. I like to see the goats too.

  2. Thank you for stopping by my site and leaving a comment. I am afraid I might just start collecting plastic containers. Have you noticed how cute they are making them now. I got some at Wal-Mart and they have colored handles. Now the trick is to get the stuff in the containers and not get ANY NEW STUFF.

    Love your pictures. Stop by again when you can. I write to encourage MOMS to keep at the sometimes daunting task of mothering.

    On Friday I am just starting up a Meme called “5 Things Friday.” Stop by and play along.

  3. OO I bet that was fun.. Hmm I wonder if they have anything like that here…

  4. I rememeber as a kid we went to fair every year in fact it was like a small vacation for us

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