Freezing Strawberries


I have been lucky enough to get strawberries and blueberries at Aldi’s for .99/container, lately. I missed picking berries, seems like our season here was very short because of the wet, cool weather. But, I still wanted to put some in the freezer.

My son was helping me, I had him wash, clean and slice the strawberries and sprinkle Fruit Fresh on them. Then he laid them on a cookie sheet to freeze.



I took them off the cookie sheet and put them in a Ziploc that I marked with the date.


While putting the strawberries in the bag, I happened to think it would taste really good to use them like ice cubes in a glass with lemonade.


We can also use them to make Strawberry Banana Smoothies. And if you missed them, here are more strawberry recipes.


  1. I still haven’t found strawberries for that price, but when I do… you can bet I’ll be all over them! 🙂

  2. I wonder if lemon juice would work in place of Fruit Fresh… I might have to do some experimenting since I don’t have access to that here! Thanks for the tip =)

  3. I like this idea!!! I LOOOOOVE strawberries and never thought to freeze them. They’ve been .99 at our store too and I didn’t buy a lot, because I didn’t want them to go bad, but to use them as an ice cube is genius!

    Come stop by my blog ~ I’m sharing a tasty thing I found that works for me and my daughter, which you’ll see LOL. Plus I have a little info on a Non-BlogHer party going on with GIVEAWAYS and fun!!

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