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Vintage Christmas Tree

Since I only gave you a little sneak peek at our main Christmas Tree when I shared the Christmas Mantel, I thought you might like to see how I decorated it. With a combination of old and new, and staying in the red and white theme of the Mantel, the Vintage Christmas Tree came together beautifully! 

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

For many years now, I have been seeing Christmas Trees decorated with larger items. In the past, I have always decorated with small ornaments and ribbon, but decided our Christmas Tree needed something new this year. Although I still used several of the ornaments from the Magical Scandinavian Christmas Tree from last year, to pull the theme all together.

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

The highlight of the Vintage Christmas Tree is the Burlap Ribbon and Lanterns – old meets new – although the Burlap Ribbon looks old. During a trip to Walmart headquarters back in October, I was really excited to get a sneak peek at the new Burlap Ribbon.  There are several colors available in solid, chevron and also polka dot, and it’s only $3.47 per roll.

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

When I think of Christmas Trees long ago, one of the first things that comes to mind are strings of popcorn and cranberries. They worked perfectly with the red and white theme.

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

After the Burlap Ribbon was on and the strings of Popcorn and Cranberries were added, then it was time for some of my Vintage Lanterns.

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

And I also used the Lanterns that I found last year at Walmart.

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

I love how the white ornaments show up against the red Burlap Ribbon.

Vintage Christmas Tree | on HoosierHomemade.com

And to finish off the decorating, the Antique Car filled with Vintage Toys, presents and Santa.

Homemade for the Holidays on HoosierHomemade.com

Homemade for the Holidays with HoosierHomemade

Burlap Ribbon

You can find the Burlap Ribbon at your local Walmart in the Craft Department.

Walmart Moms



  1. brandi scott says:

    so love the popcorn & cranberries but my cats just do Not believe they actually belong on the tree .. i truly miss seeing those on my tree ..

    1. Oh man! I agree! My son and his girl have a new tree and their cats keep laying in it. 🙂

  2. I love your Christmas decorations. The vintage car with the old toys is such a nice touch. Great job!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Betty!

  3. Rhea Dunsford says:

    I love the Christmas tree with the burlap ribbon and lanterns, but would like to know how you attached the laterns to the tree, making it look like they’re just sitting there and are not weighing down the tree branches?

    1. Hi Rhea, I wired the lanterns on with floral wire. Any wire will work though. The lanterns that I used are actually very light weight. There are a couple that are heavier than the others, but most are light weight.

  4. I have not seen those burlap ribbons at my local Walmart. They are fantastic and so vintage. I’m all about vintage with my own website (mostly swing dance and 40s stuff), but I can see a ton of uses for these. Thanks for hepping me to them, I will look at a bigger Walmart and see if I can find them 🙂 Happy Christmas!

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