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Thanksgiving Countdown: Day 2: Gathering Supplies

I don’t know about you, but I always seem to run out of the silliest supplies, especially right before hosting a dinner or party. Today we are continuing our Thanksgiving Countdown. Yesterday we planned our menu and assigned dishes for guests to bring. So now, let’s make a list of any supplies we might need.

Day 2: Gathering Supplies

Make a list of any supplies you may need…

  • Paper plates – for dessert
  • Plates, bowls – for dinner
  • Napkins
  • Silverware
  • Cups or Glasses
  • Tablecloths – either plastic, paper or check to be sure cloth are washed
  • Extra serving bowls
  • Extra serving spoons
  • Containers and resealable bags for guests to take home leftovers
  • Crafts to keep the kids busy

Now, take a look around the house and gather up everything you need. Grab a large basket or box to keep everything in.

After sharing the menu planning tips yesterday, my Aunt Mary emailed to suggest that she always checks for ingredients she might have on hand and puts them in a basket near the kitchen, and as she gathers ingredients that she needs, she just adds to the basket. No more searching around…thanks Mary!

What tips do you have for gathering supplies and ingredients when you are hosting a party?

Miss a day? No worries…I created a page with each day for you…

Thanksgiving Countdown


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