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Thanksgiving Countdown: Day 1: Plan your Menu

As the holidays draw near, our lives seem to get busier and busier every day. One of the main reasons that I blog and share ideas with you is to help you “be heroes to your family!” With that always on my mind, we have been chatting at length to come up with some ideas to help you during the holidays.

So beginning today, with only 15 days left to prepare for Thanksgiving, we are sharing our Thanksgiving Countdown. Each day I will share a tip with you to help make your day memorable! Some of them may take only 5 – 10 minutes while others may take a few hours, but by doing something each day, we can head into Thanksgiving relaxed and ready to enjoy the day with family and friends.

Day 1: Plan your Menu

Today we are planning our menu but first we need a guest list. Will you be hosting a crowd or just a few? Either way you will need to know what you are going to cook.

  1. Make your guest list. Be sure to write next to each name if that person has a special dish they cook.
  2. Plan your menu. Be sure to include old favorites and a couple new recipes as well.
  3. Now, assign dishes to guests. You know when you invite them they will ask what they can bring. Be prepared to tell them, it will make your life a lot easier.
  4. Gather your recipes, it will make your grocery list making a whole lot easier.
  5. Make your grocery list. If you make your list now, you can be on the lookout for sales.
  6. Be sure to check the pantry and freezer for items that you need.

Need some recipes to add your menu? There are some on Pocket Change Gourmet and here!

And…you are done. Day 1 is complete.

Miss a day? No worries…I created a page with each day for you…

Thanksgiving Countdown

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