
Spring Mantel: Inspiration Sunday

Happy Sunday! It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve shared Inspiration Sunday with you, things have been pretty busy. I’m also a little behind on sharing my Spring Mantel, so I thought I would wrap them up together to share with you!

We have been having fun using the Chalkboard on the Mantel. Andrew {oldest son} used his amazing artistic skills to add a little whimsy to the Spring Mantel. I added a piece of green burlap as the base to give a little more texture and interest.

The adorable Spring Letters were added and I made large Pinwheels for color and a little more whimsy!

After seeing Layla’s Mantel, I knew I wanted to add some butterflies. So I used the same Butterfly Die Cut that I added to our other Spring Decorations.  I love how they have perforated wings, so you can bend them and make them look like they are flying.

We have been having beautiful weather this Spring, which is pretty rare for us. All of the flowers and trees have already started to bloom, which puts us about a month early.

I am thrilled to have the Tulips and Daffodils blooming last Doug planted last Fall. We shot a little video on how to plant bulbs for Spring Flowers, if you are interested.

The Daffodils make me smile!

And the Viburnum Plant is also blooming and smells heavenly!

What has inspired you this Spring?

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  1. Wow what great pictures. Your chalkboard is super cute…what a fabulous idea. This is such a wonderful post! I would love it if you would share this at our WIW linky party. Hope to see you there.


  2. Deborah K says:

    Great mantel! I really like your blackboard.

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