Invisalign Braces Progress

I’ve been updating you monthly on Nick’s Invisalign Braces progress, and we are back again to check in on how he is doing. I decided this month to have him write a little more about his treatment and progress. Here’s Nick…

Invisalign is a very simple yet effective product. It is hard to imagine that a little tray made of plastic can realign your teeth, but it works. After the first couple weeks, I could feel my teeth beginning to shift. However, now that I am further into the process I can see and feel a difference.

This process of putting in these trays is one of the easiest things I have done in my life, yet it has had one of the biggest impacts. I am extremely happy with the results I have seen from Invisalign. I am about a quarter of the way through my trays and I am very excited of the progress I am already seeing. Invisalign is virtually painless and almost invisible. I would recommend this product to any person in the market for a straighter smile.”

Last month I shared with you how Nick plays Baseball and Football, and the difference having the Invisalign Braces instead of metal braces has been for him. I’m happy to tell you that we have started the Baseball Season and everything is working out really well with the Invisalign. They don’t bother him at all while he is playing, even with his catcher mask on.

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Disclosure: I’m part of the Invisalign Mom Advisory Board and my son received free Invisalign treatment. As always, the opinions and experiences are my own.

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