Spider-Man Augmented Reality App

Well it’s that time of year again: Summer movie season. The time when all the biggest movies of the year are released in quick succession. And this summer seems to belong to the nerds, with movies like The Avengers and Dark Knight Rises hording most of the attention. Perhaps less noted, but shaping up to be a great movie is the reboot of the Amazing Spider-Man. Back when the Avengers was fixing to release, Walmart made an app to go along with it. Now they have done the same for this new movie.

The Spider-Man Augmented Reality App has two big parts to it: a game and a photo poser. The game can be practiced. There are no targets for you to shoot at, so it essentially becomes a fun little toy to pretend you’re slinging webs like the hero. The actual game is fun too. It’s not as chaotic as other AR games, because all the targets are laid right in front of you. You get to play this game for about five minutes before you must go to Walmart and find all the Spider-Man standees in order to play more. While the convenience of Walmart makes this as easy as can be, it still seems like a misstep that you can’t play at all afterwards. The app should’ve let you play anyways, but reward you for going to the store with enhanced play. Minor gripes aside, it is still a fun game.

The second part of the app is a photo taker. When you point the camera at a special Spider-Man picture, a 3-d model of the hero will appear for you to take a picture alongside. It takes a bit of juxtaposing, but it is a step up from the previous app. If you can pose right, you can get some good shots. Multiple poses make for a number of photo opportunities.

The Spider-Man AR App is an entertaining way to spend a bit of time. If you don’t mind jumping through a few hoops (between somewhat sluggish loading times) you’ll find a time that is great for anyone who loves the masked webslinger.

Find out more about the Spider-Man Augmented Reality App and other Spider-Man products at Walmart.com.

Disclosure: This post is part of a campaign I am participating in with the Walmart Moms. Walmart has provided me with compensation and product for this post. My participation is voluntary and opinions, as always are my own.


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