New Look and Reader Survey

Hello my friends! I’m going to interrupt our regular schedule for some exciting news! Hoosier Homemade has a new look!


We have been working hard behind the scenes to update the look of the blog, but more importantly to make navigating around easier. I have put together a short video to give you a blog tour. Enjoy!

Click Here if you don’t see the video

Don’t miss the new Recipe PageHoliday Page – and Cupcake Page

Turtle Pie

Learn more about our passion to help the everyday Mom be heroes to their families!

We hope you like the new look and features as much as we do. Now we would love to learn more about you and how we can help you by sharing simple, easy , creative recipes and projects! Please help us by filling out this short survey. Thank you so much!

If you are having trouble seeing the survey, you can view it here > Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.


  1. Cathy Jensen says:

    Since the day I found out I was moving to Indiana –I have been a subscriber –loved the original format–the new format, even better!! Thanks, Gramma Cathy

  2. Argelia Ken says:

    Wow! looks amazing

  3. Melissa B says:

    Love your new look!

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