Mighty Minds Play

My youngest son, Casey, who is in 5th. grade, recently was in his school play. The play was about students taking standardized tests and the Mighty Minds show them how to prepare. It was a great play. Casey had a leading role, he was the Mighty Math Mind. He got to lead the Conga Math line too.

Here are a few pictures from the play

Casey is second from the left.


Great job! Casey! We are proud of you!

Please visit these great carnivals for more ideas:

~Family Fridays hosted by Homemaker Barbi

~Show and Tell Friday hosted by Canada Girl

~Finer Things Fridays hosted by The Finer Things in Life

~Photo Story Friday hosted by What Works For Us



  1. Wow, what they won’t do to try to make the standardized tests sound good. At least they had fun with it! I am pretty sure I would never have been able to be the math guru.

  2. that looks like a awsome play and I bet he did a great job at the leading role

    great photo friday

  3. Mary @Raising 4 Godly Men says:

    I love it when kids are in plays. Mine were in a church play last week. I was sooooo proud of them. [0=

    Blessings In Him<

  4. That looks like a really cute play! Congrats on your son getting the lead role~

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