
Meals ~ May 4-10


Be sure to visit I’m an Organizing Junkie for more great Menu Plans.

Well, here we are again! Monday, I can hardly believe how fast the time is going! The boys only have 22 more days left of school, and I know I will just turn around twice and it will be over.  I’m really looking forward to summer. It’s so nice having the boys home, even though we are still busy, it’s different than doing school things all the time.

If you missed it, I posted my May Menu Plan. Here is my plan for this week:

Monday ~ Baked Chicken, Potatoes and Veggie

Tuesday ~ Cinco De Mayo ~ Chicken Enchiladas, recipe from A Busy Mom of Two

Wednesday ~ Chicken N’ Noodles


Casey helping with Tuna Casserole

Thursday ~ Tuna Casserole


Friday ~ Baked Potatoes and Wings

Saturday ~ Breakfast

Sunday ~ Grill Out,Chicken Phillies, from Forever Wherever, these are still on my menu from a  couple weeks ago, I figured since it was Mother’s Day, my husband and boys could make these, hopefully

Snacks ~ Applesauce Muffins and Snickerdoodles

The recipes are on my Mixing Spoons page.

Well, compared to 2 weeks ago, last week went pretty well. Here is my re-cap of what I spent:

Monday ~ Frozen Food (had Pampered Chef Party, kids needed something quick and easy)  $6.37

Tuesday ~ Meatballs and leftovers from party $4.00

Wednesday ~ Leftovers $-0-

Thursday ~ Chicken, Noodles and Green beans $7.50

Friday ~ BLT Sandwiches (added fried eggs to some, awesome) $3.79

Saturday ~ Ate out, late lunch/early dinner $40, ouch! but, we haven’t eaten out in ages, and it was 2 meals 🙂


Sunday ~Oriental Chicken N’ Noodles- I started with this recipe from Saving Everyday, I was planning on having the noodles for a side dish with Shangai Wings, but the 2 older boys were gone, so I decided to just stir fried the chicken and added it to the noodles. It was great! Thanks Andrea! And the cost? $1.00 for the noodles and maybe $1.00 for the rest of the ingredients, plus the chicken at $4.00, but of course, you don’t have to add the chicken. $6.00 Total and there is plenty left for lunches. The meal got a thumbs up from my youngest and he says “the noodles are really easy to slurp.” I guess that means it passes.

Total  $67.66  ($40 of that was going out to eat)


  1. Great menu plan!

    I am pyshced for Cinco de Mayo myself…mmmmm, Mexican food!


  2. I love see your Meals of the week planned out. I started doing this a month ago and it really helps. I re-designed my coupon folder with inspiration from one of your older posts. Seems like the more organized I am, the easier meal planning and shopping are 🙂

    1. I’m excited you were able to use some coupon organizing tips! Thanks!

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