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May Menu Plan


Wasn’t it just a few days ago that I posted the April Menu? And, here I am posting May already. Last month I told you about Little Miss Know It All, and her solution for monthly meal planning, she has 2 menus, one for the Fall/Winter and one for Spring/Summer. Most of the meals for May are repeats from April, I am trying what she suggests and just repeating the menu. However, I did want to change a few things so that I could try some of the awesome recipes that I have been reading on the blogs that I visit.

You can also find my March Menu Plan here.

May Menu Plan

1 ~ BLT Sandwiches, chips, veggies & dip

2 ~ Shangai Wings, Rice

3 ~ Grill Out

4 ~ Baked Chicken

5 ~ Cinco de Mayo ~ Mexican

6 ~ Chicken N’ Noodles

7 ~ Tuna Casserole

8 ~ Stuffed Baked Potatoes and Wings

9 ~ Breakfast

10 ~ Happy Mother’s Day, Grill Out

11 ~ Southwestern Salad and Cheesy Chili Dip

12 ~ Fried Egg Sandwiches, Sausage

13 ~ Chicken Pot Pie

14 ~ Stromboli

15 ~ Taco Ring, Cheese Chili Dip

16 ~ Spaghetti & Meatballs

17 ~ Whole Chicken

18 ~ Chef Salad

19 ~ BBQ Meatballs

20 ~ Chicken Salad

21 ~ Stir Fry and Noodles

22 ~ Hamburgers

23 ~ Shangai Wings

24 ~ Buffet

25 ~ Breakfast

26 ~ New Recipe

27 ~ Homemade Corn Dogs

28 ~ Sandwiches and Pasta Salad

29 ~ Pizza

30 ~ Zesty Slow Cooker Chicken

31 ~ Grill Out

Every Monday, I post my meals for the week and I do a re-cap of how I did with my budget the week before. I try to stick to my plan as best as I can, but, as you all know, kids and life sometimes get in the way.  That is one reason I like having a plan.  If I forget to get the meat out of the freezer, I can just jump to another night and make that dinner.

I think one of the first steps to being frugal and saving money is to meal plan. I know for myself, if I don’t know what we are having for dinner, I usually end up getting behind schedule and just giving in and running to the closest fast food joint.


  1. Wow. You “crazy ladies” who plan a month at a time… that’s just a little too organized for my random brain. 😉 Inspiring, though!

    1. Amy, that’s too funny! Monthly meal planning doesn’t work for everyone, but it does for this “crazy lady.” 🙂

  2. Judy @ Frugal at Home says:

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. . . it’s such a nice way to find other bloggers of interest! I’m happy to have found your blog; I’ve already subscribed to your feed! 🙂

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