
Meals ~ May 18 – 24

Be sure to visit I’m an Organizing Junkie for more great Menu Plans. And I’m excited to find another new blog, Chive Talkin’, check out her plan.

Monday ~ Chef Salad

Tuesday ~ BBQ Meatballs

Wednesday ~ Chicken Salad

Thursday ~ Chicken Stir Fry and Rice

Friday ~  Hamburgers, Pasta Salad

Saturday ~ Wings

Sunday ~ Buffet

Here is my re-cap for last week and what I spent:

Monday ~ Southwestern Salad and Cheesy Chili Dip ($8.87)

Tuesday ~ Fried Egg Sandwiches with Bacon ($3.60)

Wednesday ~ Chicken, Mac & Cheese ($6.50)

Thursday ~ Taco Ring ($5.50)

Friday ~ Stromboli ($9.00-made 2)

Saturday ~ Spaghetti and Meatballs ($4.50)

Sunday ~ Oriental Noodles and Asian Salad ($4.77)

Total $42.74

I also baked a Ham ($8.19) on Sunday to have for leftovers, and a couple meals this week. And put some back in the freezer for another time. I wanted to get it baked before the weather got too hot.


  1. Hi! I love how menu planning helps with food budgeting. Thanks so much for stopping by the Chivetalkin Menu Plan Blog Roll. Please come again next week. Cheers! Jenna

  2. Your meals look great – I love the chicken salad my roommate just bought a chicken salad cookbook and I’m excited to try out all the different ways to make chicken salad (especially using avocado instead of mayo to make it healthier)! You should check out springpad’s weekly meal planner – it’s a great way to organize all of your menus and recipes, I think you’d really like it!

    1. Thanks for letting me know about Springpad, it looks really cool!

  3. I love having ham leftovers. There’s so many meals you can create.
    Great menu planned!
    I’m having a blog birthday drawing ~ prize is a $25 gift certificate from vinylvineyard at etsy.com.

  4. Sounds like you’ve got a yummy week planned and great total on last week’s menu, wow!


  5. Amy @Feasibly Fit Mom says:

    Hi Liz, found you via Chive Talkin’. Love that you break down food costs…and thanks for the links to recipes!

  6. I wish you were on the food network….A real person with great ideas, and money saving tips..Love the reciepe’s…..Keep giving us your ideas please.


    1. Thank you so much! I’m very honored that you love my blog! That would be so cool to be on the Food Network – a dream come true! 🙂

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