Jam Cupcakes


Last week I shared with you the recipe for Jam Cupcakes from Martha Stewart. And since today is the last day of the giveaway for her Cupcake Book, I wanted to get these cupcakes done. I had bought the raspberries and I didn’t want them to go to waste, so I decided to whip up a batch and share them with you. Because it was Semi-Homemade Sunday, it was late and I was really tired, I decided just to use a box mix that I had in the pantry. (Sorry, Martha) But I can still share with you how I made them.

I started with the cupcakes, of course, and red raspberry jam.


I got out my handy little apple corer and filled them using this technique.


And then put the plugs back in


I frosted them with chocolate frosting and topped with a fresh raspberry.



Note: Next time I won’t put quite as much filling in. I usually use pudding in the middle, and I think when using jam, a little goes a long way.

I received a very nice email from a reader that had made them using homemade strawberry jam. Yum! There are endless possibilites for these cupcakes.

For more great blog carnivals, please visit:

~Make Something Monday hosted by Go Graham Go

~Make Something Monday hosted by Jolly Mom

~Recipe Swap hosted by Our Chaotic Life

~Mouthwatering Mondays hosted by The Land of Monkeys and Princesses



  1. Those look and sound yummy!!!!! I think cream cheese frosting and 4 berry jam with strawberries and blueberries on top would be amazing~!!!!

    NOM NOM LOVE cupcakes!

  2. Oh neat.. I think my kids my like this! Thanks

  3. I’ve always wanted to do this! Sounds yummy!
    TFS and playing along.

  4. These look wonderful! I think instead of the chocolate frosting I would make them with cream cheese frosting. Neat idea on how to fill them! Thanks for sharing.

  5. The cupcakes sound really yummy! Especially with the Chocolate Frosting on top!

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