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How to Repair a Running Toilet

The “Honey-Do” List is ever growing around here. And one of the little {or big} projects that I have had on Doug’s list for quite some time is to repair our running toilet. I don’t know about you, but it seems that projects often get pushed to the side because we think they are too time consuming or will cost too much money.

Well, recently Walmart starting sharing a series of videos to help you with your to-do list…Projects Made Simple. All of the supplies you need can be found at Walmart.

How to Repair a Running Toilet :: #Video on HoosierHomemade.com

After browsing through the videos to see which one I wanted to share with you, it didn’t take me long when I spotted the How to Repair a Running Toilet, after all…it’s been on a list for WAY too long.

We hopped in the Jeep and headed to Walmart to grab what we needed…

Supplies to Repair a Running Toilet

  • Flush Valve Flapper
  • Sponges
  • Scissors

Doug made a video to show you just how easy it is.

I never thought I would be excited about a toilet that works properly. I’m hoping this will cut our water bill down a bit, and I also won’t have to hear the toilet running during the night.

Here is a the Projects Made Simple Video from Walmart, so you can see exactly what type of Flapper you will need for your particular toilet.

You can also find other Projects Made Simple like…

and many other projects. Stay tuned as we share easy projects to help you with your home improvement projects.

Disclosure: This post is part of a campaign I am participating in with the Walmart Moms. Walmart has provided me with compensation and product for this post. My participation is voluntary and opinions, as always are my own.

One Comment

  1. James Zewan says:

    Thanks for sharing. I have saved money just by doing some of these fixes myself. My plumber just called me other day to ask why I am not calling him anymore, and I said I have not been doing damage anymore. Haha, It is just simple. Some of these things are so difficult until you try them. Thanks again.

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