Hoosier Cabinet: Decorating for Spring

Last year, around this time I shared how I decorated our Hoosier Cabinet with shades of white. After taking down the Snowmen last weekend, I was ready to change the decorations and get ready for Spring.

I don’t think I’ve ever showed you how cool this Hoosier cabinet is. It came from one of the barns on my Father-in-law’s property. Many, many years ago, he took all of the daughters into the barn and let us choose which Hoosier cabinet we would like. I choose this one, and he was going to have it refinished. Well, after a few years passed by, I decided that I would rather have it unfinished, just the way it was. Peeling paint and all!

I know worn out…paint chipping…furniture isn’t for everyone. But I just love it!! I think it has such character! Although I loved having all shades of white, I decided to add a little color for Spring.

Starting on the top, I added a large vase and a wire Rooster that I had in the kitchen. In the middle I added a wooden crate with Aqua Mason Jars. A couple small tea pots finish it out.

On the next shelf down, I added another tea pot, a plate, a ceramic vase with cupids and a small Aqua Mason Jar. A small sprig of pink berries adds a little color.

Another white dish, Aqua Mason Jar and a ceramic vase with pink flowers continues the theme. A little bunny and some more pink berries and flowers tie it in with the other shelves.

Then on the bottom, I added more Aqua Mason Jars, I love how they bring out the blue in the cabinet. A few small white dishes and a couple pink tulips for a splash of color.

You probably have seen this beauty!! I’ve been using it to display cupcakes, like my Chocolate Chip Pie a la Mode Cupcakes earlier this week. I found it at TJ Maxx when I was in Nashville for the Blissdom Conference. My good friend, Dawn, who I stayed with before and after the Conference, took me shopping. It’s a good thing I drove, because I would have never been able to bring it back on a plane.

Have you started decorating for Spring yet?

I’m linking to…Saturday Night Special



  1. That cabinet is wonderful! The chippier the better, I say! Your spring decorating is lovely. I’m still stuck in about 8 feet of snow, no spring in sight! So sad. 😉

  2. It looks awesome! I’m putting together my spring decorations as we read ~ cream and blue for me. Thanks for the inspiration! Please stop by and say Hi sometime!

  3. I also love white and blue. I collect mason jars and put them on my picture window to reflect the light. Love your cabinet also.

  4. Yuor cabinet is gorgeous and I am very jealous. I saw one today at an antique store. I would have snatched it right up but I have no place to put it 🙁 Love the aqua

  5. OMG, I use to have a Hoosier cabinet with that EXACT same design (only mine had the roll top in the center. It was made of birch.) My husband stripped 7 layers of enamel paint off of it. He was in the Navy and before we could refinish it, we had to move. Then the moving van caught on fire on the freeway and it was gone (boo hoo). We looked for one with the same style and found it was really hard to find one with the long doors on BOTH sides of the center and the double doors below. You are one lucky woman. Yours looks beautiful.

  6. The cabinet wouldn’t have half the character if it had been refinished! I love peeling, chipped things also. In my corner of the world those are known as blue glass jars! I have a 2 qt jar that over the years has turned lavender/purple. It collects pennies! I’m slowly transitioning to more spring decor.

  7. Marilyn Holeman says:

    Ah, Liz, what a treasure! Your Hoosier is lovely, and so is the way you have it decorated. I love those blue Mason jars, and they do bring out the blue of the cabinet. the little touches of pink are pretty, too. The berries remind me of pepper berries. Thanks for sharing. (And no, no Spring decorating for me, yet.)


  8. I love your treasure from the barn! Sure am glad you decided to leave it as is, it is great.

  9. I love your hoosier cabinet and you decorated it beautifully. I need to get started on my spring decorating.

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